School personnel responsibilities: Describe how the school will:
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction that enables children to meet the State academic standards in a supportive and effective learning environment. Section 1116(d)(1).
Conduct parent-teacher conferences during which the school-parent compact is discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement. Section 1116 (d) (2)(A).
Provide parents and families with frequent reports on their child’s academic dprogress Section 1116 (d) (2)(B) Keep parents informed and listen to needs.
Provide parents reasonable access to staffincluding opportunities to observe classroom activities, volunteer, and participate in any school function. Section1116(d)(2)(C)
Ensure regular two-way, meaningful communication between home and school in a language the parents and families can understand.
Section 1116 (d) (2) (D)
As a Parent of a Title I student, I agree to:
Section 1116 (d)(1):
Monitor my child’s attendance and grades in SchoolMax
Encourage my child to strive for advanced coursework
Take advantage of community resources
Read communication sent by the school
As a student of a Title I school, I agree to:
Section 1116 (d):
Show citizenship in the classroom by being responsible, prepared, and focused
Be accountable by turning in assignments on time
Show respect by showing up every day on time
Be engaged by actively participating and communicating with teachers about academic progress