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Important Forms

Please complete these forms during the first week of your child's attendance at Heather Hills Elementary School.

Transportation for Contracted Before/After Care

If you have contracted before/aftercare that requires PGCPS bus services to transport to and from the location please Click on the Transportation Link.  We recommend you complete the form early, if any changes need to be made we could update it Synergy. 

Bounce House Waiver

Heather Hills Elementary School Bounce House Waiver

I, ____________________________________, the parent or legal guardian of ______________________________ (student) in _________________________ (your child’s class), acknowledge and understand that there are known and unknown risks associated with participating in bounce house activities, which include but are not limited to: fractures, scrapes, cuts, or bumps. I agree that my child shall comply with all stated rules, and verbal instructions. For the 2023-2024 school year I hold harmless, release, waive and indemnify Heather Hills Elementary subsidiaries and affiliates, officers, and employees from any and all injuries, liabilities or damages from participation. 

Parent / Guardian Signature:______________________________________________
Emergency Contact number: ______________________________
Email address:_____________________________________________________________