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Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Drop-off Procedures

Car Riders (AM)

Parents are to enter the circle around 7:10 am.  Parents please do not drop your scholar off before 7:10 am as staff members are not on duty until that time and it is a liability.  Heather Hill's staff will open doors at 7:15 am.

  • Please ensure that your scholar is ready to exit the passengers side. **Parents should not exit their vehicle**
  • To exit - please remain in your car until directions are given by the staff members on duty.  Please be prepared to follow their directions.

Bus Riders (AM)

Buses will enter the inner circle and release scholars at 7:15 am.  After drivers release scholars, they must exit buses immediately to reduce traffic. Drivers are to follow the directions of the staff member on duty.

Only students that are signed up to attend AlphaBest before care programs will be authorized to enter the building prior to 7:15 am.

Breakfast will not be served after 7:30 am as the instructional day has begun. If you plan for your scholar to have breakfast, please have your child arrive prior to the instructional day.

Pick-Up Procedures (PM)

Dismissal begins at 1:30 p.m. Car and van riders are dismissed to the multi-purpose, AlphaBest dismissed from the media center, and bus riders dismissed from their bus rooms.

Scholars will be escorted to their appropriate location. Drivers must leave immediately to reduce traffic. Drivers are to follow the directions of the staff member on duty.

Front office staff will contact bus/van companies if buses/vans are late.

Car Riders (PM)

Parents are to enter the outer circle and follow the directive of the staff member on duty.  Please make sure you are alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. Wait patiently in line for your scholar to be escorted to your car. Staff members will be on duty. Please be prepared to follow their directions. Please drive with caution at all times.

Any student that requires extra support for arrival and dismissal will be assigned a staff member to assist them by The Leadership Team.

Early Dismissal/Dismissal Changes

If your scholar needs to leave prior to dismissal, they must be signed out in  the Main Office before 12:45 p.m. There are to be no early departures between 12:45 pm and 1:30 pm

  • Parents are asked to email teachers, Mrs. Jones and Ms. Powers by 11:00 am with any dismissal changes. No verbal authorization to remove a child from the premises will be accepted. Parents must update their emergency contact list annually, or as needed to include all authorized adults who may remove the child from the premises.
  • When arriving to pick up children for early dismissal, parents must report to the main office. Every adult that wishes to pick up a child from school must show a valid, government issued photo identification. There will be no exceptions. Parents/guardians will sign the child out in the Early Dismissal Log using a QR code stating their first and last name, relationship to the student, time of departure, and reason for early dismissal. 
  • Upon verification by Mrs. Jones and Ms. Powers, the teacher will be notified that you have arrived and your child will meet you in the office. 
  • If a child is being picked up by an adult outside the family, that person must be designated on the child’s Family Emergency Card, or have a note from the parent or guardian on record, and they must show a valid, government issued photo identification. This precaution is in the interest of maintaining your child’s safety.
  • Unless the office has been notified in writing, no changes will be made to a student’s regular dismissal routine. When possible, if you alter your child’s dismissal routine, please discuss the changes with your child in advance.

Transportation for Contracted Before/After Care

If you have contracted before/aftercare that requires PGCPS bus services to transport to and from the location please Click on the Transportation Link.  We recommend you complete the form early, if any changes need to be made we could update it Synergy.