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Cell Phone Policy

  • All cell phones and personal electronic devices (PEDs) must be powered off and put away during the school day, except when permission is given by a teacher or administrator to use for instructional purposes.   
  • Students are permitted to use cell phones and PEDs only during the following times:
    • Before school hours on school property
    • After school hours on school property
    • At evening or weekend activities on school property
    • An emergency situation with the permission of the teacher, staff member, coach, or administrator
  • Students may not listen to music, send texts, make phone calls, play games, record audio, take photos, or record videos at school, except under specific circumstances where permission may be granted by the administration  
  • No headphones are to be worn in the hallway or classroom, at any time, unless it is for instructional or testing purposes
  • If a cell phone/PED is used inappropriately, it will be confiscated and labeled by the teacher.  Teachers will secure cell phones/PEDs in a locked location until they are able to submit it to an administrator. The teacher who confiscated the cell phone/PED will contact the parent (i.e., email or phone) within 24 hours of retrieving the phone.
    • First offense: Cell phones/PEDs are returned at the end of the day to the student
    • Second offense: Cell phones/PEDs are returned ONLY to a parent or guardian
    • Third offense: Parent/administrator conference; student prohibited from bringing cell phone/PED for the remainder of the year.
    • Subsequent offenses: Student will be subjected to disciplinary action

*The outlined policy is in accordance with Administrative Procedure 5132. PGCPS assumes no liability for theft, loss, or damage of cell phones and/or other PEDs possessed by students on school property or held by school officials during the confiscation period.

Click here for the EEJMS Cell Phone Policy Document