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Frequently Asked Questions for SY 24-25

2024-25 School Year Transportation Tips

  • How do I view my child’s bus assignment?
    • Bus schedules may be viewed in the ParentVue and with PGCPS InfoFinder. Postcards with bus assignments were also mailed to families with students registered for school. 
  • What do I do if my child is not yet assigned a bus?
    • Students must have been registered for school by August 7th to have been assigned school bus transportation for the start of the 2024-25 school year. 
    • Families who registered late or have not yet received a bus assignment can use InfoFinder by entering their home address to view bus routes and stops nearest to their home.  
  • How does the school bus app work?
    • Parents can use our StopFinder app to track the location of their child’s bus in real-time. Parents/guardians must have an email address on file in the ParentVue to be invited to download the StopFinder app from Google Play or the Apple App Store. StopFinder app invites for the 2024 - 2025 school year will be sent out weekly, beginning the week of Monday, August 14. StopFinder Help/FAQs
  • How can I receive transportation assistance?
    • For commonly asked transportation questions, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.
    • Speak to a team member with our Transportation Phone Bank at 301-952-6570 (Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) for immediate assistance. 
    • You may also submit a request online through our Transportation Resolution System.
  • Are there other transportation options?

PGCPS has implemented several solutions to address on-time arrivals and improve communication. These include centralized bus stops, GPS-enabled tablets on buses, and better tracking software. Please find our most frequently asked questions below. Outstanding questions should be submitted through our Transportation Resolution System Transportation Resolution System



Who is eligible for bus transportation?

PGCPS provides safe transportation to and from school for enrolled students living beyond one and one-half (1½ ) miles for elementary students and two (2) miles or more for middle and high school students from their assigned schools. For more details, refer to AP3541 

How will I know if my child has been assigned for transportation?  

Please access the Transportation Resolution System for your concerns.

NOTE:  Parents may want to check transportation assignments by contacting their enrollment school to verify registration has been completed.  If registration has not been completed, the Department of Transportation cannot guarantee an assigned bus before the first day of school.

How are students assigned to bus stops?  

A routing program has optimized the locations of bus stops, taking into account traffic safety issues and student addresses. In most cases, bus stops are at the safest corners. Reference AP 3541 for more details.

How can I see where the bus stop is near my home?

Families can use our transportation search tool (PGCPS Infofinder i ) to view the closest bus stops to their address for a child’s school. Once routes are finalized and closer to PGCPS school reopenings, families can view pickup and dropoff times via ParentVUE or by contacting their school of enrollment.

What if I don't find my stop?

We may not have your correct address if you cannot find your stop. Please contact your school to ensure they have the correct pick-up/drop-off address on file, including any daycare addresses. The Transportation Office does not input address changes. Your child’s school must input the information into the Transportation Module of ParentVUE.   Please refer to bus stop eligibility information and/or access the Transportation Resolution System

How do I request a bus stop change?

Stop changes will only be considered when a stop distance exceeds the guidelines outlined in Administrative Procedure 3541 - Student Transportation, or when there is an extenuating circumstance that is determined to jeopardize student safety.

Families with an extenuating circumstance may submit their concern through our Transportation Resolution System (TRS).

My child goes to childcare or babysitter in an area with bus service. May my child ride the bus?

Students who are staying with a babysitter or at a childcare center must fulfill the same criteria as other eligible riders. If the babysitter's or childcare center's address is not within the student's residential attendance area, then the student must meet transfer policy requirements. Approved commercial childcare centers will only be assigned curb-to-curb stops where possible. Students at private babysitters will be assigned to the closest neighborhood stop on the route.  Reference AP 3541

Can my Preschool student or Kindergarten student get off the bus without someone to receive them?

No.  If there is not a parent/guardian at the stop to receive a preschool or kindergarten student, the bus driver must return the student back to the school. Reference AP 3541.1 for more information. All Pre-K and Kindergarten students who ride the bus are required to wear a neon safety vest to and from school or they may not be transported by our buses. Each school is responsible to give out the safety vests to their Pre-K and Kindergarten students. Access the Transportation Resolution System if you wish to report a concern.

Who should I contact concerning my child’s transportation?

Any concerns should start at the school level and then the transportation office. Access the Transportation Resolution System if you wish to report a concern.  

My child receives services under a 504 plan or an IEP.  Who should I contact concerning my child’s transportation?

All concerns and requests for special education transportation should begin at the school level. If you wish to schedule a meeting, please contact the school-based transportation coordinator, 504 plan coordinator, or IEP coordinator for your child's school. You can also access  the Transportation Resolution System  to report a concern to Transportation. 

We live within the non-transportation zone, but very close to a bus stop for my child’s school. Could my child ride the bus from this stop?

We do not permit a child to ride a school bus if you are within the non-transportation zone area.  Access the Transportation Resolution System to if you wish to report a concern.  

My child was approved for a transfer request, how do I request a bus assignment?

Bus transportation is not provided for transfer students. Parents must accept full responsibility for transportation for all approved transfer requests. Students may not ride special buses designated for technical, vocational, career, special education, or other specialty programs. Please see Student Transfer Requests  - Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

How can I arrange to have my child ride a different bus home from school for one day?

The child's parent or guardian must submit a written request to the school Principal. If the request is approved, the Principal or their designee will notify the bus driver and provide authorization.

What time does my child need to be at the bus stop? 

It is recommended that students arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time.

Why is my child’s bus ride so long?

All PGCPS buses operate on a comprehensive schedule, completing two to four routes in the morning and again in the afternoon. This ensures safe and efficient transportation of students to and from school. Due to the large number of students requiring transportation and the need for effective scheduling, bus schedules cannot be adjusted to accommodate individual requests. If your child attends a school outside of their designated attendance zone, please be aware that travel times will be longer.

My child missed the bus. Can the bus come back to the bus stop? 

A bus cannot return for students who missed the bus. Please be sure your child arrives at the designated bus stop at least 10 minutes ahead of schedule.  

The bus drives right past my house. Why can't it stop at my house? 

Bus stops are strategically placed to ensure easy access for buses in neighborhoods while prioritizing safety. However, adding more bus stops can lead to delays on our bus routes and increase students' time on the bus. As a result, bus routes may need to start earlier in the morning to ensure on-time arrival at school. Similarly, additional stops in the afternoon could cause students to arrive home later.

Can students bring musical instruments or large objects with them on the bus? 

Students can bring musical instruments and large objects on the school bus if they can carry the item on and off the bus by themselves and if it can fit in their lap without blocking the aisle. However, large instruments such as drum kits, cellos, and basses are too big and can be dangerous in the event of an accident. Therefore, these large items are not allowed on the school bus. If you are unsure whether your child's instrument or object is allowed, please check with the school before bringing it to the bus stop.

My child’s bus is overcrowded. Can some children be placed on another bus?

If the bus has three elementary students or two middle or high school students in each seat, it will seem crowded; however, it will not be over capacity. Our goal is to fully utilize all the space on all the buses in our fleet. Please use the Transportation Resolution System to make an inquiry.

I witnessed a concern with a bus driver’s operation of a school bus. How do I report this incident to PGCPS? 

Please make a note of the location and time of the incident and, most important, the bus number, posted on the side, front, and rear of the vehicle, along with any additional details. Make your inquiry using the Transportation Resolution System to record the incident.

How do I locate a lost item on a school bus? 

If a driver finds an item on the bus, they will turn it in to the school. Drivers are usually unable to inspect buses while on the road and will check for lost items at their next assignment. We recommend that personal items be stored in the child's backpack. Electronic devices like cell phones, tablets, iPods, earbuds, and games are popular and have a very low recovery rate. We recommend that students store these items in secure places, such as their backpacks, when traveling to and from school. PGCPS is not responsible for items left on the bus.

The bus driver disciplined my child on the bus today. Does the driver have the right to do this? 

The school bus driver (or attendant) is responsible for the safe operation of the bus. They should receive the same level of respect afforded to a classroom teacher, assistant, or other school employees. When necessary, drivers or attendants may correct a student. In most cases, that resolves the problem. If the misconduct continues, the driver may complete a "bus conduct referral" to notify the school of the event for further review and, if appropriate, disciplinary action from the school may be taken.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook (Section 9: Transportation and Bus Behavior)

Another child is harassing or bullying my child on the bus. What should I do? 

PGCPS has a policy that explicitly prohibits "bullying" at school, during school events and field trips, and on a school bus. The bus driver's primary focus must be on operating the school bus safely. Consequently, the majority of the driver's attention is focused on the road and traffic conditions, so he/she may not see or hear inappropriate behavior among the students on the bus when it occurs. Students who engage in bullying or harassing behaviors are subject to disciplinary action. Please report any problems to your child's school so that appropriate steps may be taken.

If you wish to report a concern view:

How do I become a Bus Driver or  Bus Attendant?

Please apply at

How do I submit a Transportation change/concern online?

Please click on the Transportation Resolution System to request any changes or report concerns online.

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