Students attending elementary school who qualify for special education services receive these services in a variety of settings, based on the needs identified on the IEP. Services may be delivered in one or a combination of the following settings:
- General education class settings with supports and services provided by special education resource teachers, related service providers, or other staff members as appropriate. Models of service delivery can include pull-out services, push-in services, or co-teaching. Services consist of specially designed instruction per IEP goal area. Instruction follows the grade level Maryland College-and Career-Ready Standards with accommodations and modifications to the general education curriculum outlined in the IEP. The focus is to support academic, independence or social skills within the grade-level curriculum and provide direct instruction in identified goal areas. Instruction will be provided in general and/or special education resource rooms.
- Some schools have specialized programs (e.g., Autism, Community Referenced Instruction, Regional Programs, Social-Emotional Academic Development(SEAD), Deaf and Hard of Hearing) that deliver services in a separate class setting. Separate class settings provide services for students who require small group instruction for a major portion of the school day. Supports and services are provided by special education teachers, related service providers, or other staff members as appropriate.
- In certain instances some students are enrolled in a Comprehensive Special Education Program (CSEP) at centralized program locations. However, CSEP is currently in a phase out plan in order to include those students in a less restrictive environment at their boundary schools.