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Recycling Supplies

Recycling Supplies


  • Display posters above labeled collection bins to help participants correctly sort their waste items.
  • Pair recycling bins with trash cans to decrease contamination in recycling bins. 

Select a poster below to download.  Poster default print size is 11" x 17" with select posters available in 8.5" x 11".
  Recycle Poster Trash Poster for composting schools.jpgFlatten Boxes Poster.jpg Recycle Toner poster.jpg Trays Poster
     Recycle 8.5" x 11"           Trash 8.5" x 11"   

 Compost Poster    Battery Recycling Poster

View the Recycling Guidebook to request posters

Recycling Bins

  • Place recycling posters above recycling bins to explain what to place in recycling bins and increase correct participation.   
  • Get students involved in creating recycling posters about your recycling program and educating others. 

   View the Recycling Guidebook to request recycling bins

Bin Labels

  Click on a label below to download.
PAPER ONLY, Recycling, Trash labels.jpg Recycling, Trash labels.jpg Recyclling Bin Label-Poster_Black and White_Updated Logo.jpg   bottle can top with pics.jpg   Pics of Recycling Items for Bottle-Can Recycling Tops.jpg

Pictures of Acceptable Items for Cafeteria Recycling Bin Tops — remind students what to recycle and decrease trash contamination.  These are especially useful when a recycling poster cannot be displayed above a recycling bin.  Cut out photos and attach to cafeteria recycling bin tops. 

PGCPS Mixed Recycling Dumpster

  • DO NOT BAG RECYCLABLES, items should be loose in the recycling dumpster.
  • Place only acceptable materials in the bin.  Unacceptable items contaminate the load of recyclables and can result in the materials being sent to the landfill.  All acceptable items can be combined together into blue PGCPS mixed recycling dumpsters. 
  • Lock recycling dumpsters to prevent trash contamination.  PGCPS recycling dumpsters have an auto-release locking mechanism and padlock to prevent non-PGCPS usage.  The recycling truck will empty a locked dumpster (horizontal bar raised above doors and padlock engaged).  

Additional Materials

Recycling Program Information Flyer
  Información en Español
  Information en Français
Top 10 in the Recycling Bin Poster
No Plastic Bags in the Recycling Bin Postcard - English y En Español
Foam Free In PGC Flyer
Maryland Foam Food Service Products Ban
Plastic Straw Ban

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