Step-by-step guidance and resources for your school recycling program!
What Goes In My Recycling Bin? Review Activity Trash or Recycling? QuizPGCPS Recycling Lessons Phase 1: Planning and Supplies Phase 2: Why recycle? What to recycle? Phase 3: Clean Recycling - Avoiding Contamination Breakfast in the Classroom Recycling Virtual Recycling Lessons and Activities
Waste-Free Lunches Student Worksheet Waste-Free Challenge Toolkit 'I Packed a Waste-Free Lunch' Stickers
Food Waste Warrior - lessons, activities, and resources to teach the planetary impact of what we eat and what we throw away.
Garbology - Interactive lessons about what we do with our waste
I Want To Be Recycled
Make a bird feeder from a carton
Recycling Service Learning Project Ideas - Maryland State Department of Education
Morning Recycling Announcement Examples for Schools
Paperrecycles - Activities, lessons, and paper recycling information
PepsiCo Recycle Rally - Activities, lessons, videos and more!
Oops! Cards: Recycling, Trash; Congrats! Card - Student teams can give feedback on items found in recycling bins and trash cans
Recycle Bank - Recycling education and quizzes
Recycled Crafts and Project Ideas
The Greens Activity Guide -PBS Kids
Trash Can Quiz: Fun Facts About Trash and Recycling
Waste Audits Conduct a Waste Assessment at Your School Simple Recycling Audit Guide to Conducting Student Food Waste Audits
Recycling and Waste Reduction Videos
Prince George's County Materials Recycling Facility Video
Tour our local Recycling Center (Materials Recycling Facility) - FREE
Tour the PG County Composting Facility - FREE
Brown Station Road (PG County) Landfill - FREE
America Recycles Day - November 15th
Earth Day - April 22nd
PepsiCo Recycle Rally
“Rethink Recycling” Sculpture Contest
International Compost Awareness Week
Per Administrative Procedure 2810, all PGCPS facilities are required to submit a Waste Reduction Plan each year.
Test your recycling knowledge! Can you guess the right answer?
What can be recycled in Prince George's County Public Schools?
Learn about the PGCPS Recycling Program and acceptable items in the recycling bin!
Find out how to recycle ink cartridges and Toner Tubes.
Recycle fluorescent light bulbs via special pickups.
Recycle small batteries via the mail-back program.
Recycling requirements for all schools and facilities.