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Uniform Requirements

Dress Code

  • No hats or “skull-caps” are to be worn at any time. Headdresses can be worn indoors for religious or health reasons only.
  • Shirts and blouses should be continuous from neckline to waist. The entire mid-section should not show. No spaghetti strap tops, tank tops or muscle shirts.
  • No clothing with vulgar language, obscene pictures, weapons, drugs/alcohol, drug paraphernalia and/or tobacco products.
  • No identifiable gang/crew clothing or paraphernalia.
  • No see-through clothing.
  • Skirts, dresses, shorts, and spandex skirts should be approximately six (6) inches below the buttocks, or no shorter than fingertip level.
  • Pants should be secured at the waist; no sagging below waist to expose undergarments.
  • Tights, stretch pants, leggings, and spandex body suits must be worn with clothing long enough to extend six (6) below the buttocks or no shorter than fingertip level. This is for all age levels.
  • Soft-soled, close toed shoes must be worn. “Healies” (shoes with skates built in) are not permitted. Open-toed shoes such as flip-flops are prohibited.

Students violating the dress code will have their parents contacted to secure proper clothing. If the parent is unable to provide proper clothing, the child will not be permitted in class and will be kept in the front office for the entire school day to complete assigned work.

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