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Principal's Page


Hello Families,

I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer full of fun, relaxation, and reflection. Each summer, I spend a lot of time engaging in each of the activities, but reflection is a necessary task for growth and development. Therefore, the theme chosen for this year is: We Are One! This theme is reflected in the song, “We Are One”, by Angelique Kidjo. Family, Family, we are one! We need each other to stay strong and achieve greatness. 

I am including the Student/Family Handbook to provide guidance to support you and your scholar as we launch the school year. Within the handbook, I have carefully detailed our expectation for school attire. We are a uniform school. All students are expected to wear their uniform daily to ensure their focus is on learning. Appropriate attire includes the following:

  • Uniform bottoms: pants, skorts, shorts or jumper (when each appropriate due to weather. No leggings or sweatpants will be permitted in lieu of uniform pants)
  • Tennis or shoes (no Crocs or sandals)
  • Socks or stockings of your choice

Our new school hours are 7:30 am to 1:40 pm. Students will be allowed to enter the building at 7:20 am. Please refrain from dropping off students prior to 7:20 am. They will not be supervised, and leaves them vulnerable for injury or personal conflict. Daily attendance is expected. The following are the only lawful, excused absences recognized by Maryland School Law:


  • death in the immediate family
  • illness of student
  • court summons
  • hazardous weather conditions
  • observance of a religious holiday
  • state emergency
  • Suspension
  • lack of authorized transportation


Our daily attendance last school year did not meet the Maryland Department of Education attendance requirements. We did not exceed 90% daily attendance. We want attendance to improve this year. Please schedule all doctor’s appointments and hair appointments at the end of the day, if possible. 

Please encourage your scholar to get a good night’s rest, address hair and clothing needs to reflect a positive self image, and avoid conflicts prior to the launch of school. As of now, we will provide breakfast and lunch to all students. We are in communication with our community partners to provide school supplies to support all scholars, especially those in need. Please feel free to contact me via email at to let me know if I can further support your scholar and you with any needs.

Take care and enjoy the remaining days of summer.I look forward to seeing each of you soon at the following events:

  • Open House on Friday, August 23 at 9 am. 
  • First day of school is August 26, 2024 
  • Back to School Night will be Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 5:30 pm.

Educationally yours

Pamela Preston Boylan, EdD, Principal