A Note From the Principal
Welcome to our school from Principal Early!
Seat Pleasant Elementary School is a school-wide- Title 1 comprehensive school servicing students in Pre-Kindergarten -5, multilingual learners, and a K-5 Autism program.
The school is located in Seat Pleasant, Maryland, in an area surrounded by local businesses, a community center, and single-family homes. The students currently enrolled primarily reside in two cities, Capital Heights and Seat Pleasant. Roughly 52% of the students are bused to the school, while the remaining 48% walk or are brought to school by their parents.
Seat Pleasant is culturally diverse, with a current enrollment of about 300 students who represent African American, Hispanic, White, and Asian/Pacific Islander students.
The staff includes teachers, special educators, paraprofessionals, itinerant special education assistants, dedicated aides, specialists, mental health professionals, instructional leaders, special education service providers, a community school coordinator, and administrators, who all collaboratively support the school community.
Seat Pleasant Elementary
6411 G Street
Capitol Heights, MD 20743
Phone: 301-925-2330
Fax: 301-925-2337
Mrs. Desiree Early
Ms. Dyeva Foster
Assistant Principal
A transformative school that develops and nurtures students' leadership,
character, and academic achievement while building a strong cultural
community rooted in mutual respect.
Providing high-quality, culturally relevant instruction that nurtures a safe, supportive, and curious learning environment, developing lifelong learning for students and adults through:
Today I choose to be
a scholar, a creator, a critical thinker, and
a problem solver. I will honor myself and my parents by respecting
my teachers and my peers. I believe I am healthy
and strong, and my future is bright and full of promise.
I will be respectful
I will be responsible
I will be ready to learn
I will be a good example
And I will be college and career ready.
I can learn!
I will learn!