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Potomac High School Counseling Services


Free and Reduce Meals
SAT Prep (College Board) 
Work Permit
Service Learning Hours Form
FAFSA Website
Common Application

Mission Statement

To help all students learn to make their own decisions concerning life’s many changes, which include educational, career/college, and personal. As society becomes more complex, it is important that the community, parents, and teachers share this responsibility. 

  • Individual Counseling 
  • Group Counseling 
  • Classroom Guidance Lessons (such as: College and Career Readiness, Goal Setting) 
  • Conferences 

Guidance Office: 240.767.4817   Fax: 301.702.7603
CEEB Code (SAT/ACT): 210803 
School Number:12320 

Professional Counselors 

Grade 12: Danielle Williams

Grade 11: Carolyn Murrell

Grade 10: Te'Ana Mason

Grade 9: Lindsay Wright

Support Staff  

Secretary: Ms. Yoseline Medrano Moreno

Registrar: Mrs. Tiffany Washington

Parent/ Teacher Conferences 

Days: Monday - Thursday   
*Contact grade level counselor to schedule appointment(s)*

Registration and Withdrawals  

Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Registration Requirements

  • Parent's Photo ID
  • Incoming 9th graders: Final report card showing promotion to 9th grade.
  • Incoming 10th, 11th and 12th graders: Complete transcript.
  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Immunization records
  • Social Security card
  • Deed/Property Tax bill. Deed must have signature page with homeowners name on it and (2) current bills via US Mail matching your current address.
  • If you are renting, you must bring with you:
    • Your rental agreement (lease) with signature page.  Electronic signatures are not acceptable.  You must have a letter from the apartment complex on their letterhead showing your address and signed by management.
    • Private leases must be notarized and signed by both parties. NOTE: The address on the agreement must match the address you are registering.
    • 2 most current utility bills within a (30) day period, addressed to you at your current address 

**All documents must be the original**

PGCPS Graduation Requirements

Grade Promotion Requirements

Grade 9 to Grade 10

5 credits:1-english, 1-math and 3 additional credits
progress towards completing PARCC and HSA requirements 

Grade 10 to grade 11

10 credits: 2-english, 2-math,1-science, 1- social studies 
progress towards completing PARCC and HSA requirements 

Grade 11 to Grade 12

14 credits: 3-english, 2-math, 1-science, 1-social studies 
Fulfill PARCC and HSA requirements as well as community service (24)