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Nurse's Health Room


Health Room

The Health Room is located in the main office. A nurse is available during the school day to handle minor injuries and illnesses that occur.  If an injury or illness requires parental and/or medical attention, the School Nurse (or other school personnel) will notify the parent/guardian or designated emergency contact.  Please ensure the most updated contact information is shared with the main office and teacher.

Absence for Illness

Attendance at school is very important – if a child is not present, he/she cannot learn.  However, if your child has a fever, is vomiting, coughing, sneezing, ill with a bacterial or viral infection, or is extremely uncomfortable from other symptoms, please keep him/her at home until he/she is fever free for 24 hours.  

When to Keep Your Child Home From School

Certain medical conditions require proof of treatment before your child can be readmitted to school.  Please be in communication with the nurse before sending your child back to school.

Medications at School

The Board of Education has a policy regarding the administration of medication at school.  Please read the following information carefully.  As much as possible, you are urged to give medications at home before and after school.  If a student must take any medication (prescription or non-prescription) during the school day, or must keep medication at school for an emergency situation (e.g., severe reaction to insect bites, asthma) a completed Physician’s Authorization for Medication form must be submitted to the office and retained on file at the school. These forms are available online and in the Health Room.  

All medications sent to school must be in a sealed container, which is properly labeled by a pharmacist with the student’s name, the name of the medication, the physician’s name, the date, and the directions for administration. An over-the-counter medication must be in the original container with the proper labeling attached.  All medications that are controlled substances (e.g., Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall) must be brought to the Health Room by the parent, guardian, or other designated adult.  NO medications may be in the possession of the student.  The only exception to this is students with a medical doctor’s permission to keep inhalers in their possession at all times.  It will be the responsibility of the parent to pick up any medication at the end of the school year.  No medication will be sent home with a student.  Any medication left after the last day of school will be discarded.

It is very important for the safety of all of our students that we have your complete cooperation in following these guidelines.  If you have any questions, please contact our school nurse.

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