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School Nurse


School Nurse

Florence Druid

News from our School Nurse

Nurse Druid's Virtual Health Room



Make sure your child is up-to-date on their immunizations and ready to start school.  Federal and state guidelines mandate age appropriate immunizations for every child between the grades of Pre-K to 12th. To ensure compliance with these regulations Health Services staff will constantly be reviewing student's health records.  Students without appropriate documentation will have twenty calendar (20) days from the time the lack of documentation was noted, to comply with immunization regulations. 

County Policy for Immunizations


NO medication(s) will be given to your child by the school nurse without the proper forms(s) being completed by their Primary Care Physician and in the properly labeled medication container(s).  Refer to the  Parents' Guide for Medication at School.  

When deciding whether or not to keep your child home from school, please refer to the “ Fact Sheet” to aid in this process. Cuándo debe quedarse el niño en casa y no asistir a la escuela.pdf

Parents, please make sure that the school has accurate phone numbers so we can reach you or someone else to pick up your child if they are ill.  Please let us know if you have a different work number due to promotion or job change. We want to keep you informed if anything happens to your child.

Hearing and Vision Screening will be provided for all Kindergarten and Fourth Grade students. If a student fails the screening a note will be sent home.  If you received a vision or hearing referral for your child, please return it to the nurse's suite after they are seen.

For additional health tips and information visit Kids Health   

If you have any questions, please call the nurse @ 301.218.1525