August 11, 2024
Greetings North Forestville Elementary Parents and Students,
I trust this letter finds you and your loved ones well. Additionally, I hope that you had a restful, enjoyable summer, and that you are looking forward to the upcoming school year! I’m excited about seeing each of you at 7:05 a.m. on August 26, 2024! We are looking forward to hearing about your summer, sharing our initiatives, and meeting our newest FALCONS as we are Fearless Achievers Learning Conquering Onward Never Stopping!
Assistant Principal Richardson and I are excited to welcome you as you help us lead our charge of providing Equity, Access, and Acceleration for All - TAKE 2! We have spent the summer preparing and we are honored to share with you, and unite with you to fulfill our school’s vision of all students achieving high academic standards and mastery at each grade level, becoming critical thinkers, life -long learners, and responsible and productive citizens. Laughter, rigor, and learning will fill our school, creating an engaging environment that’s conducive for preparing world-class leaders. At North Forestville, we want each and every person that comes onto our campus to know they are valued, and that they hold tremendous worth. To this end, I’m excited to share that our school theme is “Equity Access and Acceleration for All! - TAKE 2” We want to teach our sweethearts about the importance of strong relationships. We believe in fresh-starts and new beginnings. We believe in growth and potential…and we believe in bringing everyone together to accomplish success.
I’m dedicated to providing you with high-quality professional development, and research-based best practices. I ask for your support and participation in this effort by showing up to work prepared to participate. Be sure to check your email at least twice a day, in addition, please be sure to create your Class Dojo account (if you haven’t already done so), and our school’s website, accessible at for important updates and information. Your child will receive numerous pieces of information during the first days of school. Please make sure that you complete, and return these items as necessary ensuring that you provide us with your current contact information as soon as possible. We’ll continue to improve our attendance, and positive behavior rates via our Positive Behavior Intervention System (P.B.I.S.) program. We need your support with these efforts, and we thank you in advance for partnering with us.
Parents, while we excitedly welcome you back to our building, please know that the following protocols are in place as we strive to better serve you:
View appointment requirements and schedules
We remain a mandatory uniform school and we require all students (except for our pre-kindergarten children) to come to school everyday in uniform.
Our uniform is as follows:
Please stay tuned to our website and Class Dojo for our upcoming events and information! If you have any questions, comments or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me at or 301-499-7098. Thank you for your continued commitment to your child's education and unwavering dedication to North Forestville Elementary School!
Educationally yours,
Falecia M. McMillian,
Principal of the GREATEST school in the world