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What is PBIS?

PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. It is an evidence - based system and approach that not only supports behavior and academics but the overall culture of the school. Here at North Forestville Elementary School it is our expectation that our scholars always S.O.A.R. We believe when Falcons S.O.A.R. they are Safe, On Task, Acting Responsibly & Respecting Others. Below you will find our schools Falcon pledge, Discipline Matrix and Photos of some of our students and celebrations for demonstrating positive behavior!

Falcon Pledge:

“As a FALCON at NFES, I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all times! I’m Safe, I’m on task, I act responsibly and I’m always respectful. And most importantly, I’m great by choice! No excuses! No expectations! FALCONS Fly Higher!

 North Forestville Elementary School Discipline Matrix


Expectations & Setting


Arrival & Dismissal








Creative Arts










Stay Safe

-Walk at all times.

-Maintain personal space.

-Use materials appropriately.


-Walk at all times.

-Remain in seat.

-Remain seated unless given permission.

-No Sharing food.

-Use equipment appropriately and when given permission. 

-Notify teacher or adult of any issues in bathroom.

-Remain in seat.

-Stay in approved areas.

-Remain seated unless given permission.


On Task

-Report directly to classroom or dismissal location.

-Complete all assignments.

-Remain in line with class.

-Seated at assigned tables

-Clean up after you eat

-Complete all assignments & activities appropriately.

-Use bathroom and return within 5 minutes

-Following the directions of the bus driver.

-Line up at first signal.

-Paying attention & actively engaged in presentation


Act Responsibly

-Report to correct location.

-Appropriate voice level.

-Be Prepared.

-Stay Focused

-Appropriate voice level.

- Go straight to assigned destination

-Come prepared.

-Appropriate voice level.

-Take Care of school property.

-Dispose trash & wash hands.

-Appropriate voice level.

- Make good choices and be fair to others

-Make good choices.

-Appropriate voice level.


Respect Others

-Hands and feet to self.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

-Be a good listener.

- Respect Differences.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

- Respect Differences.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

-Positive peer interactions.

-Honor personal space of others.

-Hands and feet to self.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

-Hands and feet to self.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

-Remain quiet while others are speaking.

-Positive peer/adult interactions.

Falcons Must Always S.O.A.R….

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