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  • Non-Traditional Program 9-12 South (formerly Croom Vocational)

Non-Traditional Program 9-12 South
9400 Surratts Rd
Cheltenham, MD 20623



The Non-Traditional Program for grades 9-12 South is a program designed to provide instruction for students in need of an alternative educational setting in grades 9-12. The program affords students the opportunity to earn the grades and/or credits needed to advance to their correct grade level. There is a focus on student engagement, academic interventions and goal development. The programmatic concepts of Individual Learning Plans, Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), monitored attendance, mandatory school uniforms and small interactive classes are designed for positive student skill development. The program requires parents to attend quarterly parent meetings/workshops.

Program Features

The program classrooms are led by dedicated and trained professional instructors who are supported by full-time program coordinators

Students are provided mentorship and enrichment in order to achieve the following goals:

  • To earn the grades and/or credits needed to advance to their correct grade level.
  • To successfully return to their communities with a repertoire of meaningful academic and social skills.
  • To increase their learning through an expanded use of technological resources.
  • To prepare for the High School Assessments.
  • To complete their 24 independent hours of required service learning.

Enrollment Information

In order to be enrolled in this non-traditional program a student must be:

  • School-Referred (must be referred by your current school and agree to the Student Enrollment Contract).
  • Court-Referred (referred by the Juvenile Court Judge to attend the alternative program).
  • Expelled (have been expelled from school and referred by the Appeals Office).
  • Attending a high school in PGCPS.