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Arrival & Dismissal

  • School Hours for Students are 7:45 a.m. to 1:55 p.m.
  • School Office Hours are 7:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Changes in School Hours

When schools are closed early or all day, all field trips and evening activities are cancelled and school buildings are not available for after-school activities by other public or private organizations.

Delayed Openings

  • One-hour delay: All buses run one hour later than normal. School begins one hour later, at 8:45 a.m. Student drop-off time 8:20 a.m.
  • Two-hour delay: All buses run two hours later than normal. School begins two hours later, at 9:45 a.m. Student drop-off time 9:20 a.m.

Early Closing

Early closing decisions are made by the superintendent of Prince George’s County Public Schools. It is most imperative that you make plans in advance for your child’s care in case schools are dismissed early. You could possibly be away from your home at the time an emergency occurs. Make decisions now, before the emergency, so that your child will know where to go when you are not home. Child Care providers should be made aware of any changes as well. If your emergency/early dismissal plan for your child changes, please be certain to notify the school of the change immediately.

Early Release

At times during the school year, the students may have an early release day of school. At Mount Rainier, this means that dismissal will begin at 11:50 a.m. Parents are expected to make appropriate arrangements for children as no provision exists for children to be cared for at school.


No student should report to school prior to 7:20 a.m. as there is no supervision for his or her safety until after that time. Students who eat breakfast may enter the building at 7:20 a.m. It is very important for all students to come to school on time every day. Students should be in their seats and ready to learn before or at 7:45 a.m. Parents are encouraged to let children enter the school building independently.

Instructions for Car Rider Drop Off

Parents should not drop off his or her children before 7:20 a.m. There is no supervision before 7:20 a.m. 32nd Street will be blocked off until our school buses have arrived and dropped off students. Afterwards, we will open 32nd Street to car riders. Parents should follow the following procedures when dropping off his or her child(ren):

  1. Cones will be placed on the sidewalk indicating the area in which students can exit the car.
  2. Students should not exit the vehicle on the street side. All students are asked to exit the vehicle on the school side.
  3. Parents should follow the direction of the Patrols and staff members in pulling up to the drop off area.
  4. Parents should not exit their vehicle. Patrols and staff members will open car doors for students.
  5. Parents should wait to be directed to move forward and/or pull out onto 32nd Street after your child has exited the car.
  6. There will be no idling and/or parking in the drop off area. If you need to enter the school with your child(ren), please park on the street or in the church parking lot on the corner of 32nd and Shepherd Street.

Please DO NOT block resident driveways, park in the FIRE LANE and park in the staff parking lot.


32nd Street between Bunker Hill Road and Shepherd Street will be closed to all traffic in the afternoon between 1:45 p.m. and 2:15 p.m. This procedure is in place for the SAFETY of all children. It is impossible for buses to see and stop for children who exit or walk between parked cars. We appreciate your cooperation.

Please be aware that the Mt. Rainier Police Department assists in the enforcement of this procedure.

Afternoon announcements begin at 1:55 p.m., when dismissal begins.

  1. After Care students (Students are dismissed to the multipurpose room)
  2. Car Riders/Walkers (Students who walk home or are picked up by car)
  3. Bus Riders (Bus riders are dismissed to the multipurpose room to line up according to his or her bus number)

Children that are picked up by an after-care service will be dismissed once the provider has arrived. Students may not return to class for items or materials after dismissal.

No child may be picked up by Uber, Lyft, or Taxi.

If a child is to be dismissed to a different location, parents must send a note indicating the date and the change to take place. A child may not visit another child’s home after school or be transported by a person not in your family without prior written parent approval. This rule is for all children’s safety. If a student does not bring a note to school, we will insist that he/she follow the normal dismissal routine. Verbal permission will not be accepted. Once a student has boarded the bus, the student will not be removed from the bus. If you do not wish for your child to ride the bus on a particular day, a note must be received by 1:00 p.m.

Reminders to students for dismissal

  • Remember the items and materials which must be taken home, and have them ready. You may not return to the room after dismissal.
  • Walk quietly in the hallway during dismissal. Do not run, yell, or cause a disruption as you proceed to your dismissal area (bus rider, after care, walker).
  • Go directly home—You may not remain on school property unless you are involved in a supervised activity.

Early Dismissal

Occasionally, you may have to check your child out of school to go to the doctor or dentist. If you must do this, the child must be signed out of the Main Office before 1:30 p.m. There are to be no early departures between 1:30 p.m. and 1:55 p.m. This is one of the most important times of the day, and classes cannot be interrupted. During the conclusion of the day, teachers are reviewing work covered, making certain that students understand the homework assignment, and that students get all materials in their book bags. Parents are not to enter classrooms at this time, and under no circumstances are they to leave with a child during this time.


Parents are asked to send a note to the child’s teacher. The note will be given to the school office for verification. When arriving to pick up children for early dismissal, parents must report to the main office. Every adult that wishes to pick up a child from school must show a valid, government issued picture ID. There will be no exceptions. Office staff will notify the teacher that you have arrived and your child will meet you in the office. If a child is being picked up by an adult outside the family, that person must be designated on the child’s Student Information Sheet, or have a note from the parent or guardian on record, and they must show a valid, government issued picture ID. This precaution is in the interest of maintaining your child’s safety. Early dismissals are only permitted prior to 1:30 p.m. After that time, you will have to wait for normal dismissal times/procedures. This helps ensure a safe and smooth dismissal for all.

Unless the office has been notified in writing, no changes will be made to a student’s regular dismissal routine. When possible, if you alter your child’s dismissal routine, please discuss the changes with your child in advance.


PGCPS Attendance PolicyAP 5113

Daily Attendance

All students are expected to attend school regularly in accordance with The Public Schools Laws and Bylaws of Maryland 1984. According to Bylaw 13A.08.01.02, “Absence from school, including absence for any portion of the day, of students who are presently enrolled in public schools shall be considered lawful only under the following conditions:

  • death in the immediate family
  • illness of the child
  • health quarantine
  • court summons
  • hazardous weather conditions which would endanger the health or safety of the student when in transit to and from school
  • work or activity approved or sponsored by the school or the local school system, or the state education agency
  • observance of a religious holiday, or state emergency

Excessive absences will result in a referral to the Pupil Personnel Worker for further investigation. Family vacations and babysitting younger children are not lawful reasons for absenteeism, and will not be counted as such.


Children may enter the cafeteria for breakfast at 7:20 a.m. Students are expected to be seated in their classroom and ready to learn at 7:45 a.m. The beginning of the day is extremely important for students and teachers. When a child arrives late, the class and teacher are inconvenienced and the late student is unaware of announcements and instruction that has already been given. In addition, arriving on time is a habit that we work to establish with all children at a young age. We urge parents to make every effort to have your child at school on time each day. Students arriving late, after 7:45 a.m., must report with their parent/legal guardian to the office to obtain a late pass to take to their teacher. Excessive tardies may result in a referral to the Pupil Personnel Worker for further action.

Students late without a note have 48 hours to produce a note. Students who are late because of school buses will not be penalized and will be provided with a late pass. Students who are late because of transportation of any type other than school buses will not be excused. Trips, traffic and vacations are not considered excused late arrivals.


Electronic Absence Form (English)2024-2025
Absence Reason Notification (Mt.Rainier Elementary School) //
Notificación del motivo de la ausencia 2024-2025 //
2024-2025 Avis relatif au motif de l’absence  

When the child returns to school after an absence, you must send a note to the teacher or complete the electronic absence form explaining the reason for the child’s absence. Teachers will review missed work when a child returns to school after an excused lawful absence. Parents are encouraged to contact the teacher to obtain missed assignments.

Students who are absent one or two days must submit a note from the parent/legal guardian to their teacher complete the electronic absence form within two days of their return to school stating the date and reason for the absence and a phone number where the parent can be contacted during the day. Students who are absent three or more days must bring in a note from their physician. Students who are absent for reasons not stated in under daily attendance or who fail to provide an acceptable note within 48 hours, will have their absence marked as unexcused, and they may not be allowed to make up the work they missed in class.

If a student is going to be absent from school for more than three days for medical reasons, the parent/legal guardian needs to inform the school so that arrangements can be made for make-up work.


PGCPS Code of Conduct for Visitors, Volunteers, and Families
School Visitors Policy.pdf

Visitors (including parents) to Mt. Rainier Elementary School must report to the main office immediately upon entering the building. Upon arrival at the school and prior to initiating any school-related business, each visitor is required to provide a copy of their government-issued identification that includes the visitor’s name, date of birth and photo to the main office to be scanned into the Raptor system. Visitors are required to wear the Raptor badge while at the school and to sign out at the conclusion of any designated school-related business in the main office.

If you bring something for your child during the day, you will be asked to leave it in the main office and staff will be sure the item is delivered to your child.

Classroom Visitation

Classroom visitation provides parents with an opportunity to observe the great things happening within the classrooms and to view your child in his or her daily setting. It is vital that you make an appointment with the teacher or administrator at least 24 hours in advance in order to eliminate interruptions to instruction and/or classroom schedules, and to ensure safety.


To learn how to be a volunteer at Mount Rainier, click the link below.

Volunteer Policy