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Calling for Volunteers to Invest in the Future: Have Fun, Make Memories, Get Involved!

Volunteers are important to our school and our children. Parents, neighbors of school, and retirees are welcome. We ask that interested prospective volunteers call the school office.   


 PTA Mission    

  • Support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community, and before governmental agencies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children;   
  • Assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect children; and   
  • Encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools.   

What does the PTA do?

PTO provides parents and teachers with a way to share their experience and knowledge about children. PTO members support public education and work to improve children's health and safety. PTOs speak on behalf of children--who can't effect change for themselves--at local, state and national government levels.