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Principal Bell's Summer Letter

Carmen-Bell.pngAugust 9, 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this summer has brought you and your loved ones plenty of relaxation, safety, and cherished memories. It is with great enthusiasm that the Longfields’ staff welcomes you to the 2024 - 2025 school year! Our dedicated educators have been actively participating in professional development to enhance their knowledge of both current and new curricula. Meanwhile, our diligent Building Services team has been hard at work thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing the school in preparation for our leopards’ return.

The 2024 - 2025 school year will commence on August 26th, with students attending classes five days a week from 7:15 a.m. (breakfast) to 1:40 p.m. We kindly ask that you ensure your child(ren) arrive on time, aiming for minimal tardiness throughout the year. Please note that students are considered tardy if they arrive after 7:30 a.m.

Student Orientation/Mock School Day & Parent-Student Handbook

Students and parents are invited to attend an in-person Orientation/Mock School Day on Friday, August 23rd, from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. During this event, parents will have the opportunity to visit the physical classroom and briefly greet the teacher. Afterward, parents will leave their child in the classroom and proceed to the cafeteria, where they will receive additional information from the school’s Principal, Technology Coordinator/School Secretary and school partners. Please refer to the flyer for further details HERE.

The event will also feature book bags available for interested families, opportunities to hear our fundraiser overview for the year, and interactions with various school partners eager to share their commitment and support for our LES leopards and staff. Additionally, there will be freebies available in the cafeteria.

We strongly encourage all parents to thoroughly read the Parent-Student Handbook. This handbook contains essential information and guidelines that will help ensure a successful and smooth school year for both you and your child. Familiarizing yourself with its contents will help you understand our school policies, expectations, and resources, and how to set your child up for success.

 School Supply Lists, School Uniforms & Communication

School supply lists have been updated by Longfields Elementary School HERE and on our website. Just Google Longfields Elementary School. Please read carefully through the lists and contact the school with questions. Please be reminded that students will be required to wear school uniforms: white or light blue collared tops and navy blue bottoms (NO CROCS/OTHER FOAM SHOES, NO HOODIES...NOT EVEN ON SWEATERS). See the uniform list in the Parent/Student Handbook and on our website.

Effective communication between home and school is vital, particularly during times when circumstances may change rapidly. Our teachers will utilize Class Dojo to share class updates, student achievements, and important announcements. I will keep parents informed through multiple channels, including Remind, Class Dojo, email, call-outs, our school webpage, and Twitter-X (@es_longfields). To receive text message updates via Remind, please send the text message: @a46c99 to 81010.


Student Arrival

Our district-wide review of safety and security in schools generated recommendations for our school and community to follow. As a result, see the following: 

•As a reminder, there is no parking permitted directly at the curb in front of the school or in front of mailboxes or driveways of our community neighbors.

•Abide by the Kiss and Ride procedures and reduce speed as you pull up and pull away from the drop off/coned areas (IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL BUILDING). Traffic continues, so there is no place to park and get out of your car in this area. Please use the parking lot for an extended school stay.

•All school visitors must have proper, state-issued identification to access our building. Access to Longfields is by appointment only. Please note that morning appointments will be limited, to help teachers and staff safely prepare for the arrival of students. The Main Office will not schedule any appointments after 3pm. All staff will be required to wear their district-issued identification.

•Unfortunately, parents will not be permitted to walk their students to class (except Pre-Kindergarten Parents), as we permit this on Orientation Day.

Master Schedule (Instructional & SEL Blocks, Special Classes, Recess and Lunch) - Link HERE 

We are eagerly anticipating the start of the 2024-2025 school year. We will maintain daily communication with you to strengthen our collaborative efforts and support student success. We look forward to seeing you soon.


Carmen L. Bell


Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

Longfields Elementary is a wonderful school because parents and staff work together for the good of the students and we are working to strengthen this bond.  This can not be accomplished without parental support and the volunteer contributions of parents just like you! We are looking for parent volunteers to support Longfields and join the PTA Board. This board services the entire school body, and without this level of support, great opportunities are missed.  

President: Rauhn Turner

Vice President: Lubna Malik

Treasurer: Ikea McDonald

Secretary: Vacant

VP of Fundraising: Finis White

VP of Membership: Nina Turner

AlphaBest - Before and After School Child Care 

Longfields AlphaBest hours for students: 7:00 a.m. (drop-off) - 6:00 p.m. (pick-up) Enroll Today

Stacey Watson -  (240) 229-5470

Hello, my name is Stacey Watson.  I have had the pleasure of working with AlphaBEST since 2013!  I have worked in Early Childhood Education and School-Age Childcare for nearly 20 years! In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two children. I believe that children's success in our programs requires a partnership between the families, school administration, and AlphaBEST. I look forward to providing your children with fun, exciting, and educational activities while giving you peace of mind that your children are being well cared for.