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Mission, Vision and History

Kenmoor Middle School cultivates a community of excellence that provides culturally responsive, equitable, engaging and rigorous learning experiences. Students gain the skills to be responsible, innovative, and productive citizens.  
Our vision is to: 
  • enhance social-emotional learning for a safe, orderly, environment
  • embrace diversity through cultural responsiveness and equitable instruction
  • create a welcoming and engaging school atmosphere where all students are excited to learn
  • build strong partnerships with families and the community
  • encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • guarantee high-quality teaching and learning every day.


Kenmoor Junior High School was opened on January 29, 1973 and took its name from the community of its location. The building was designed with a one-story view from Mason Street and a two-story view from the rear. Classes were held in two wings forming a U-shape with a courtyard open to the northwest. It was a duplicate of Lord Baltimore Junior High with slight modifications, costing $2,811,300.00 and taking two years to build. Its original address was 8210 Mason Street, Landover, MD; but due to traffic problems, Kenmoor Drive was opened as an access road and the address changed to 2500 Kenmoor Drive, Landover, MD.
The school opened mid-year when court-mandated busing went into effect, drawing many staff and students from Maryland Park Junior High, which closed at that time. Mr. Harry A. Rose was the first principal to approximately 600 students.

The students selected the Kavalier as the school mascot and the colors of green and white were adopted.

Attendance rose to almost 1200 students in grades seven, eight, and nine before 1983 when the school became Kenmoor Middle with grades seven and eight only as a result of the county’s decision to move ninth grades to high school buildings.

In 1985 Kenmoor Middle School became the first magnet school in the county offering a special program for talented and gifted (TAG) students from the Northern part of Prince George’s County. A total of 200 TAG students joined Kenmoor’s comprehensive population for a differentiated program with advanced courses. In 1987 Kenmoor Middle became an ESOL Center with specialized classes in English for Speakers of Other Languages.

The magnet population and the diversity of cultures have enhanced the academic program and performance of all the students at Kenmoor. In 1989 Kenmoor was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education for Excellence in Education and it continues to involve students in high level competitions that have earned the school recognition locally, statewide, and nationally.