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Volunteer at Junior Achievement Finance Park

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at JA Finance Park Prince George's. We are looking for parent, community, and corporate volunteers. 

Sign up to be a Volunteer at Junior Achievement

JA® volunteers come from all walks of life. But they all have a common vision: sharing a message of hope and opportunity with each and every young person they reach. They are committed to the idea that as a community, we have a responsibility to ensure this generation is better prepared for success than any generation in history.

Through volunteer partnerships from organizations large and small, or individuals interested in sharing their experiences with the children of their community, JA®’s classroom and JA Finance Park® volunteers inspire, prepare and empower. They band together to teach the importance of workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy to inspire a generation to navigate their path to the American Dream.

JA volunteers believe they can make a difference – and teach more than 53,000 students a year that they can make a difference, too. Our volunteers are what sets JA® apart.

  • Show kids what's possible if they work hard, encouraging them to stay in school and achieve their dreams.
  • Be on the front line of changing current statistics regarding America’s competitiveness and financial illiteracy.
  • Experience those “ah-ha” moments when one of your students grasps a new concept.
  • Connect with your community, and learn about the challenges and successes local schools face.
  • Sharpen your presentation and coaching skills.
  • Represent your company and industry to students.