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Uniforms & Dress Code

School Uniforms

  • White undershirts beneath polo shirts are optional. Undergarments should not be visible beneath uniforms.
  • Sweaters are acceptable in the color options: gray, navy blue, and black. When purchasing school uniforms, please be sure to purchase sweaters or sweatshirts with NO HOODS. Wearing hoodies can obscure part of a student’s face, making it difficult to determine their identity. For this
    reason, hoodies will not be allowed.
  • Students may wear closed shoes of any color. For safety reasons, open toed shoes will not be allowed (slides, flip flops, and sandals)
  • Scarves, bandannas, durags and hats can not be worn in the building. Scarves may be worn for religious purposes.
    • Additionally students are expected to follow the PGCPS dress code which states:
      • Skirts, Dresses, and Shorts: Skirts, dresses, and shorts should be no shorter than the length of the student's fingertip.
      • Pants: Pants should be worn and secured at the waist. Pants should not be worn below the waist exposing
        undergarments. Tights, stretch pants, leggings and spandex body suits must be worn with clothing long enough to
        cover the buttocks.
      • Shoes: Closed shoes must be worn. For safety reasons, open toed shoes will not be allowed (slides, flip flops, and

6th Graders

Top: Goldenrod polo

Bottom: Khaki bottoms (pants, skirt, shorts)


7th Graders


Top: Royal blue polo shirts

Bottom: Khaki bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts)

8th Graders


Top: Black polo shirts

Bottom: Khaki bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts)

  • White undershirts beneath polo shirts are optional. Undergarments should not be visible beneath uniforms.
  • Sweaters are acceptable in the winter: color options are grey, navy blue, and black.
  • Students may wear closed shoes of any color. For our students safety, both toes and heels must be enclosed.
  • Scarves should not be worn indoors* as they prohibit identification of students and appropriate grade level color polo shirt.
    • (*Scarves may be worn for religious purposes)

Additionally students are expected to follow the PGCPS dress code which states:

  • Skirts, Dresses, and Shorts:
    • Skirts, dresses, and shorts should be no shorter than the length of the student's fingertip.
  • Pants:
    • Pants should be worn and secured at the waist. Pants should not be worn below the waist exposing undergarments. Tights, stretch pants, leggings and spandex body suits must be worn with clothing long enough to cover the buttocks.
  • Shoes:
    • Shoes must be worn.

If you would like to donate any uniform or clothing you may have please contact our Community School Coordinator, Ms.Machuca through email at or by calling or texting 301-660-5396.

Código de vestir y expectativas de uniformes

6th Graders


La blusa: Polo amarillo
Pantalones: Color khaki

7th Graders


La blusa: Polo azul
Pantalones: Color khaki

8th Graders


La blusa: Polo negro
Pantalones: Color khaki

  • Camisetas interiores blancas opcionales debajo de los polos, la ropa interior no debe ser visible debajo de los uniformes
  • Los suéteres son aceptables en el invierno: las opciones de color son gris, azul marino y negro.
  • Los estudiantes pueden usar zapatos de cualquier color, pero deben ser zapatos cerrados. Por el bien de la seguridad, tanto los dedos como los talones deben estar cerrados.
  • Las bufandas no deben usarse en interiores * ya que prohíben la identificación de los estudiantes y una camisa polo delcolor apropiado para el nivel de grado.
    • (* Se pueden usar bufandas con fines religiosos)

Se espera que los estudiantes sigan el código de vestir de PGCPS en esos aspectos. El código de vestimenta de PGCPS establece:

  • Faldas, vestidos y pantalones cortos:
    • Las faldas, los vestidos y los pantalones cortos no deben ser más cortos que la longitud de la yema del dedo de la persona.
  • Pantalones:
    • Los pantalones deben usarse y sujetarse a la cintura. Los pantalones no deben usarse por debajo de la cintura exponiendo la ropa interior. Las mallas, pantalones elásticos, mallas y trajes de cuerpo de elastano deben usarse con ropa lo suficientemente larga para cubrir las nalgas.
  • Zapatos:
    • Se deben usar zapatos.

Si le gustaria donar o quiere donar ropa o uniformes puede contactar a nuestra Coordinadora de Rescursos Communitarios, Ms.Machuca por correo a o llamando o mandando un mensaje al 301-660-5396.