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Supply List


All items (except for clothing/backpack) are community use!

1 backpack (no wheels, standard size)
1 pack of Crayola crayons (8 colors only)
1 pack of glue sticks OR 1 bottle white glue
1 box/package of pencils
1 box of tissues OR paper towels
1 bottle of hand sanitizer OR 1 liquid Antibacterial
Hand Soap
1 container of disinfecting wipes
1 pack dry erase markers
1 full change of clothes labeled with child's name
(top, bottom, underwear, socks/tights)
1 pair headphones / earbuds (if available)


All items (except for clothing) are community use!
Must Haves:
2 boxes of 24-count crayons
12 or more pencils (Ticonderoga "My First Pencil" (girls) Standard size (boys)
4 or more glue sticks in a pack
2 Primary composition notebooks (with blank space at the top, lines on the bottom)
1 pack of unscented baby wipes (Girls)
l large container of Lysol or Clorox brand sanitizing wipes (boys)
1 hand sanitizer (boys)
1 hand soap (girls)
1 box tissues
1 backpack (no wheels, standard size, large enough to carry a Chromebook
1 box gallon-capacity Ziploc bags (boys)
1 box quart-capacity Ziploc bags (girls)
1 change of clothes (labeled in Ziploc bag)
Optional Items·
1 box Crayola markers - thick (girls)
1 box Crayola markers - thin (boys)
1 bottle of Elmer's liquid white glue
Post-it brand sticky notes - 3"x3" or different sizes and colors
2 rolls of paper towels
1 box of Ziploc bags snack, or sandwich size)
1 pack of 9x l2 Construction Paper
1 box of Expo brand dry erase markers

First Grade (1st)

All items (except for composition books) are
communi(J! use!
5 primary composition books- NO SPIRALS
8 glue sticks
2 boxes of 24-count Crayola crayons
4 packs of #2 pencils (No mechanical)
Pencil box
2 boxes of tissues
1 box of Ziploc Bags (quart, sandwich, or snack)
1 pair of headphones ( or earbuds)
1 pack of dry erase markers
1 pack of sticky notes
1 pack of index cards
Hand sanitizer
1 roll Paper Towels
1 container of disinfecting wipes
All items (except for clothin'l/ are communi(J! use!
Must Haves:
2 boxes of 24-count crayons
12 or more pencils (Ticonderoga "My First Pencil" (girls) Standard size (boys)
4 or more glue sticks in a pack
2 Primary composition notebooks (with blank space at the top, lines on the bottom)
1 pack of unscented baby wipes (Girls)
l large container of Lysol or Clorox brand sanitizing wipes (boys)
1 hand sanitizer (boys)
1 hand soap (girls)
1 box tissues
1 backpack (no wheels, standard size, large enough to carry a Chromebook
1 box gallon-capacity Ziploc bags (boys)
1 box quart-capacity Ziploc bags (girls)
1 change of clothes (labeled in Ziploc bag)
Optional Items·
1 box Crayola markers - thick (girls)
1 box Crayola markers - thin (boys)
1 bottle of Elmer's liquid white glue
Post-it brand sticky notes - 3"x3" or different sizes and colors
2 rolls of paper towels
1 box of Ziploc bags snack, or sandwich size)
1 pack of 9x l2 Construction Paper
1 box of Expo brand dry erase markers
Second Grade (2nd)
5 Marble wide-ruled composition books
1 Primary ruled composition book
1 pack loose leaf paper (wide-ruled)
4 packs of #2 pencils
4 glue sticks and l bottle white glue
1 box of Crayola crayons
1 box of Crayola markers
1 pair of scissors
2 boxes of tissues and 1 Paper Towel
1 box of ziploc bags (gallon and quart size)
1 hand sanitizer
2 plastic folders
1 pencil pouch (hard or soft)
1 pair headphones (or earbuds)
1 pack dry erase markers
1 pack sticky notes
1 tape (masking or transparent)

Second Grade (2nd)

5 Marble wide-ruled composition books
1 Primary ruled composition book
1 pack loose leaf paper (wide-ruled)
4 packs of #2 pencils
4 glue sticks and l bottle white glue
1 box of Crayola crayons
1 box of Crayola markers
1 pair of scissors
2 boxes of tissues and 1 Paper Towel
1 box of ziploc bags (gallon and quart size)
1 hand sanitizer
2 plastic folders
1 pencil pouch (hard or soft)
1 pair headphones (or earbuds)
1 pack dry erase markers
1 pack sticky notes
1 tape (masking or transparent)

Third Grade (3rd)

5 marble composition notebooks (college ruled) 5 glue sticks
4 dozen #2 pencils (no mechanical ones)
2 packs of loose leaf paper (college ruled)
1 pack of dry erase markers
1 dry erase board
1 large box of Crayola crayons
1 box of tissues
1 pencil pouch (not a pencil box)
1 pair of headphones (or earbuds)
1 box of Ziploc bags ( quart size)
6 two-pocket folders
1 pair of scissors
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 pack of sticky notes

Forth Grade (4th)

6 Marble Composition Books
4 dozen #2 pencils (no mechanical ones)
2 packs of loose leaf paper (college ruled)
1 pack of dry erase markers
1 dry erase board
1 large box of Crayola crayons
1 box of tissues
1 pencil pouch (not a pencil box)
1 pair of headphones (or earbuds)
1 box of Ziploc bags ( quart size)
6 two-pocket folders
1 pair of scissors
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1 pack of sticky notes
5 Composition Notebooks
2 Packs of Pencils *
2 Packs of sticky notes
Elmer's Glue-All Liquid Glue*
Hand Sanitizer
1 bottle of disinfecting wipes
3 plastic folders
1 pair of headphones (or earbuds)
2 highlighters
Personal pencil sharpener ( with shaving holders )
Do Not Buy List
No Pencil Boxes
No Fancy pencils or Mechanical
6 two-pocket folders
10 Glue Sticks
3 Dozen Pencils
1 pack of Crayons or Colored Pencils
1 Pencil Pouch
Loose leaf paper (2pks)
3 boxes of tissues
1 bottle of hand sanitizer
1 box of ziploc quart-size bags-girls
1 box of ziploc gallons size bags-boys
1 pack of 4 Dry erase markers
2 pairs of headphones or earbuds
1 pack of post it notes
2 highlighters
2 container of disinfecting wipes
3 packs of index cards

Fifth Grade (5th)

5 Composition Notebooks
2 Packs of Pencils *
2 Packs of sticky notes
Elmer's Glue-All Liquid Glue*
Hand Sanitizer
1 bottle of disinfecting wipes
3 plastic folders
1 pair of headphones (or earbuds)
2 highlighters
Personal pencil sharpener ( with shaving holders )
Do Not Buy List
No Pencil Boxes
No Fancy pencils or Mechanical
No Person Pencil Sharpeners without shaving holders

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