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Counseling Hour of Operation - Monday through Friday 7:45AM - 2:25 PM

The Professional School Counselors at Crossland believe all students deserve a first class education and are committed to the task of engineering a data driven school counseling program to support all students. All students will be guided by research-based practices to lend support academically and socially in an effort to prepare them incrementally every year until their respective graduation date to be College and Career Ready. This task will be accomplished by way of a collaborative effort between our families, stakeholders in the building, and business partners in the community. 


Counseling Staff

We are using a new system for requesting an appointment with Professional School Counselors. All students should click on the appropriate link next to their grade-level counselor's name to access the Appointment Request Form. Complete the form and a pass will be sent to your class when your Professional School Counselor is available. If there is an emergency, ask your teacher for a valid, green pass to the Counseling Suite. 


Dr. Maureen Toler, 9th Grade–
Myrlene Lionel, 10th Grade –
Kamara Jahi, 11th Grade –
Dawn Billingslea, 12th Grade –

Mary Parker, Registrar –
Registration/Change of Address/Transition Records

Simone Cheeks, Principal's Secretary-
School Concerns & Appointments with Dr. Gilchrist

Marlo Pointer, Guidance Secretary-
Emergency Contacts/ 9th -12th Transcripts/Community Service Hours

Brandi Miller, Main Office
Alumni Students/Request for Records/Withdrawals/Discipline/Social Security Form/Child Support Form/MVA Form