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Health Room

Kathleen Freeman

School Nurse

Health Room Services

A trained, registered nurse provides health services in our school.  This means that certain medical procedures are beyond the capabilities of our nurse. Please do not send sick children to school.  Children who get sick at school will need to be picked up by their parents and taken home. The nurse will continue to update and maintain students’ shot records.

Health Room

Illness and Injury

It is the policy of the school that all ill children should be sent home rather than remain at school.  We do not have medical or nursing facilities to care for sick children. Parents will be called by phone if a child becomes ill or has an accident.

It is of utmost importance that parents keep the school informed of how you may be reached in case of an emergency involving your child. Please inform us immediately when there is a change in your phone number or name recorded in our student information system.  We should always be able to contact you.  Also inform us of any changes to the name or telephone number of your emergency contact person. Please keep your family card information up to date.

In order to be exempted from Physical Education activities, students must have a doctor’s statement sent to the school. The doctor should state the reason and the expected dates for the exemption. If the student is to be excused for one or two days only, a note from the parent will be accepted.

Please keep the school informed of any health problems that require special consideration for your child. Please keep your child at home if they have a temperature 100.4o or more.

Medications & Health Forms

Students are permitted to take medication at school only when it is deemed absolutely necessary.  A Medication Authorization Form must be on file for each individual situation.  The school system policy states that school personnel cannot accept medication, unless the receipt is completed on the appropriate form.  Please see the Health Room Aide or School Nurse for a copy of the Medical Authorization Form.  It is against PGCPS Health Service policy for students to carry medication of any type on them or in their book bag.

Cough drops must be turned in to the school nurse in the morning with a note from the parent requesting their use.  We need to have the nurse monitor the frequency of use in case the child gets ill.

Health Room