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Public Charter School Lottery Application Timeline

Timeline for School Year 2024-2025 Applicants

The Charter School Lottery will be open November 1, 2023 - February 9, 2024 for applications for the 2024-2025 school year.

The last day to submit lottery application for all charter schools is February 9, 2024 for school year 2024-2025.

Things to Remember

  • Names (student and responsible parent/guardian) must be spelled accurately and match as indicated in SchoolMax. Any variation will prohibit the entry of an application for the lottery.
  • Applications will not be accepted without a valid student identification number and phone number.
  • Changes to the lottery application are permitted only during the open lottery period. Once the lottery closes on February 9, 2024 parents will not be allowed to make changes.
  • Please keep all email confirmations as your record of lottery entries. Parents are encouraged to check with individual charter schools for updates and changes.

New Sibling Preference Applications Process

Prince George’s County Public Schools give lottery preference to new students who already have a sibling in the school. Siblings must live in the same household, have the same responsible parent/guardian, and both siblings must be enrolled at the charter school for the 2024-2025 school year. Families must submit a valid lottery application by the deadline to be eligible for sibling preference.

New this year all applications for sibling preference will be accepted during the public charter school open enrollment season. This new process allows PGCPS to streamline data entry and accurately capture family information that links families and especially siblings.

To submit a sibling preference application. Sibling preference is based on seat availability and never a guarantee. If there is more sibling preference request than seats available, a sibling lottery will be held to determine placement.

Changes to the lottery application is permitted only during the open lottery period. Once the lottery closes on February 9, 2024 parents will not be allowed to make changes.

Please keep all email confirmations as your record of lottery entries. Parents are encouraged to check with individual charter schools for updates and changes.

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