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Board Policy 6161 - Core Curriculum Resources

I. Policy Statement

  1. The Prince George’s County Board of Education (Board) affirms its responsibility to provide every student with appropriate, high-quality textbooks and materials of instruction to support the learning of all students in all classes and at every grade level.
  2. The Board is committed to ensuring that a process is in place that allows for the accounting of all textbooks and related instructional materials.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to articulate the Board’s expectations for establishing a structure for the identification of appropriate textbooks and instructional materials and the accountability for these materials.

III. Definitions

  1. Classroom instructional materials – Materials such as resources, tools, kits, and digital licenses deemed necessary to effectively deliver the curriculum in addition to the required textbook.
  2. Identified stakeholders – Community members who are not employees of the school system.
  3. Required textbook series – Textbooks adopted in each curriculum area may include the teacher’s editions, student editions, kits, and ancillary materials that accompany the textbook provided by the vendor.

IV. Standards

  1. The Superintendent/designee shall ensure that a committee of instructional staff and identified stakeholders as appropriate is formed to review, evaluate and recommend required textbook series and classroom instructional materials.
  2. Based on the committee’s recommendation and the chosen vendor, the Board will vote to approve the selection of textbooks and classroom instructional materials.
  3. The Superintendent/designee shall establish an adoption timeline for required textbook series and classroom instructional materials.
  4. The Superintendent/designee shall ensure that a process is in place in every school to inventory all textbooks and instructional materials and maintain these items in a secure location.
  5. Students are expected to:
    1. Return such print textbooks and other similar educational materials, as were originally furnished, to appropriate school personnel in a satisfactory condition;
    2. Reimburse the school for damaged textbooks or other similar educational materials;
    3. Reimburse the school for lost textbooks or similar educational materials at the cost of replacement for textbooks and other similar educational materials; or
    4. Make other satisfactory arrangements with the principal/designee concerning the textbooks or other similar educational materials.
  6. The Superintendent shall ensure that an annual year-end audit is conducted in each school to document inventory.

V. Implementation Responsibilities

The Superintendent is authorized to develop an administrative procedure to implement this policy. The administrative procedure will include details regarding the creation of the committee that reviews, evaluates and recommends required textbook series and classroom instructional materials.

VI. References

  1. Legal
    MD. CODE ANN., EDUC. § 4-205
    COMAR 13A.05.04.01A
    COMAR 13A.03.06
  2. Superintendent’s Administrative Procedures
    Administrative Procedure 6161 – Textbooks

VII. History

Policy Adopted

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required

Policy Amended and combined with BP 6161.1

Policy Amended


Board Policy 6161 - Core Curriculum Resources.pdf