I. Purpose
To provide procedures to be followed by central office and school staff relating to textbooks and other instructional materials and services, the criteria for distribution of instructional materials, and the accountability that each school and office has for these materials.
II. Policy
It is a time-honored tradition of the public schools of this County to extend the free use of textbooks and other similar study guides to pupils upon the express condition that such materials are returned in the same basic condition as issued, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Also, the proper use of textbooks and similar materials is part of the educational process. (Board Policy 6161)
III. Background
All students should have appropriate textbooks and materials of instruction to support learning in all classes at every grade level and to use for homework and study purposes. These procedures ensure that core textbooks and related instructional materials are available to support all students in their educational program. In addition, these procedures outline the steps that must be followed by school staff regarding the inventory of textbooks and related instructional materials, the reconciliation of the number of books on hand with the number allocated to each school, and the accounting for missing books and compliance with reporting requirements for requesting additional materials.
IV. Definitions
- Classroom Instructional Materials: Classroom Instructional Materials shall include materials deemed necessary by the Division of Academics and by the Board of Education to effectively deliver the curriculum in addition to the core textbook.
- Departmental Materials Reviews Committee: Departmental materials review committee refers to a committee established by a department supervisor for the adoption of materials that will be used by less than 5,000 students.
- Eligibility: Eligibility is the number of student textbooks and/or textbook components a campus qualifies for based on student enrollment or course enrollment. Typically, Grades K – 5 eligibility is determined by the number of students enrolled in a grade level. Grades 6-12 eligibility is determined by the number of students enrolled in a course. Enrollment data from TIPWeb-IM and SchoolMAX is used to determine eligibility.
- Enrollment: Current enrollment is updated every 24 hours in TIPWeb-IM through the data imported from SchoolMAX. Maximum enrollment is the greatest number of students enrolled at any one time during the current school year.
- Extended Learning Materials: Extended learning materials, resources, and services refer to the materials a school may use in an afterschool program to provide an additional intervention and/or enrichment opportunity for students. These materials need to be approved by the Instructional Supervisor in the Division of Academics prior to use.
- Externally Mandated Materials: Externally Mandated Materials refers to those instructional materials used in programs created outside of Prince George’s County Public Schools but offered within a school setting (e.g. Advanced Placement courses). These programs often require that students utilize specific materials in order to receive credits or to adhere to outside funding requirements.
- Instructional and Extended Learning Materials and Services Committee refers to a committee established by the appropriate curriculum instructional supervisor to identify instructional materials for the classroom that will be used to support enrichment/intervention, extended learning and supplemental materials and services.
- Materials Evaluation Committee: Materials Evaluation Committee refers to a committee established to evaluate instructional materials and services for adoptions for more than 5,000 students.
- Pilot:
- Pilot refers to instructional materials not being used for all courses throughout the County, but rather at one or more locations in order to assess the materials’ instructional merits.
- Pilot programs may be initiated by curriculum area supervisors/specialists and will require that departmental sub-committees review all materials to initially assess educational value. Written approval for pilots must be obtained from the supervisor of the related instructional area after the departmental materials review committee approves the pilot.
- The individual curriculum department will supply funds for textbook pilot programs initiated within the department. Funds may be made available at the discretion of the Textbooks Office for pilots on a limited basis.
- Required Textbook Series:
- Required Textbook Series are those textbooks adopted in each curriculum area. Included in the series may be teacher’s editions, student editions, kits, and ancillary materials that accompany the textbook provided by the vendor.
- These textbooks are purchased centrally by Prince George’s County Public Schools and are provided to schools at the rate of one textbook per course per student.
- Required textbook series or classroom instructional materials do not include:
- Materials prepared by the individual teacher for his/her own classroom use. (This definition includes learning centers.)
- Teacher-prescribed televiewing for his/her individual class or classes.
- Pupil-discovered books, paraphernalia and further materials that clarify and are voluntarily brought into the classroom by the pupil.
- Visual aids or similar paraphernalia brought into school by guest lecturers.
- Material furnished or recommended by teachers such as newspapers or magazines having a generalized circulation or current events value.
- Professional or reference books.
- Consumables that are ancillaries to the adopted series.
- Materials purchased with school funds from approved vendors.
- SchoolMAX: SchoolMAX is the online student information system (SIS) that provides TIPWeb with enrollment, teacher, and student information.
- Special Populations:
- Special populations refer to students enrolled in Home and Hospital, or students with disabilities. Home and Hospital enrolled students are distributed textbook and/or textbook components from their respective campus for use at home. They will not be issued a second set.
- Students with special situations require a written modification in their 504 Plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP) or must be granted special permission from the campus administrator to acquire special textbooks and/or textbook components.
- Textbooks: Textbooks may be print and/or electronic.
- TIPWeb-IM: TIPWeb-IM is the textbook management software designed to manage instructional material inventory online. This textbook management system allows trained campus staff to requisition textbooks from the district Textbooks Office, submit inventory adjustment requests, run reports, scan inventory labels for distribution and collection from students, reunite lost books with their owners, and assess charges.
V. Procedures
- Approval of Textbooks, Supplemental and Extended Learning Materials and Services
- The appropriate committee must recommend all textbooks unless mandated by an outside source. If externally mandated, the materials list is submitted by the instructional supervisor to the Director for the related instructional area and to the Textbooks Office.
- Standards for the evaluation and selection of textbooks, their ancillary materials, and services include:
- Selecting textbooks, textbook series, and ancillary materials are selected based on alignment with Maryland College and Career Ready Standards.
- Addressing the needs of all students.
- Taking into consideration contemporary community standards regarding the acceptability of materials.
- Certifying that any textbook software, online resource, or other related instructional software will successfully operate on the standard computer and has an implementation plan developed in cooperation with Information Technology (IT) so the application is available to students in a timely fashion. All software and online resources must first be evaluated by the IT Department prior to evaluation by the adoption committee.
- Ensuring services are in alignment with all PGCPS standards of instructional accountability.
- Committee Composition
- A Materials Evaluation Committee is required for an adoption of materials serving more than 5,000 students and will adhere to the following guidelines:
- An instructional supervisor/specialist for each subject serves as chairperson for his/her respective materials evaluation committee.
- Each committee should include parents of students of Prince George’s County Public Schools. Parent participants should not serve more than three years as long as other qualified persons are available and willing to serve. Alternate parents are to be selected to serve in the absence of the assigned lay member.
- The remaining members of each committee will be professional educators chosen for their educational merit by the chairperson of each committee. The names and work locations should be included on the board action summary submitted to the Textbooks Office.
- When a software product is involved, the product must first be certified through the IT Department prior to conducting the adoption process.
- A member of the Textbooks Office, ESOL Office, Special Education Office, and Title 1 Office must also be consulted during the review process.
- A Departmental Materials Review Committee can only be utilized for materials or services affecting less than 5,000 Prince George County Public Schools’ students. There must be at least four members in this committee. Materials that include any form of instructional technology require prior review from the IT Department before conducting the adoption review. Aside from committee composition, all other adoption procedures must be followed.
- The Instructional and Extended Learning Materials and Services Committee will be organized by the appropriate curriculum instructional supervisor. Instructional materials for the classroom that will be used to support enrichment/intervention, extended learning and supplemental materials and services (including materials from websites, internet videos, software or any other material not previously on an approved list from the Division of Academics) will be reviewed, evaluated, and updated by an appropriate committee established for that specific purpose by the Associate Superintendent ,Director, or Officer for the related instructional area. Once materials or services are approved, the appropriate information will be added to a list that will be made available to schools via the TIPWeb-IM, textbook management software. Materials should be sent to the Director for the related instructional area with a request for review.
- The supervisor will ensure that materials are reviewed with supporting documentation.
- The supervisor will maintain a record of materials that are not approved and the reasons for the denial of approval in order to share if an inquiry occurs.
- Materials can be reviewed again in one year from the date of the first review if not approved initially.
- Once materials or services are approved, the appropriate information will be added to a list that will be made available to schools via the web. The list will be updated and maintained by the Division of Academics.
- The reviewed materials will remain on the approved list for a period of six (6) years. New editions or revised versions of materials may be purchased if budget allows for equitable distribution of resources.
- Purchasing and/or the Textbooks Office will negotiate with the vendor for a district purchase amount that can be used by each school wishing to purchase materials.
- Adoption Timeline
- A textbook adoption shall occur under the following timeline:
- The Textbooks Office will be responsible for notifying subject area curriculum supervisors/specialists a minimum of one year in advance when materials are approaching the end of their contract. Textbooks are considered for adoption every six years.
- If a curriculum supervisor/specialist deems a textbook still appropriate, the textbook may continue in use. The Textbooks Office must be notified of this continuation so the textbook contract may be budgeted and extended.
- If the curriculum supervisor/specialist deems an adoption is needed, that supervisor/specialist must inform the Textbooks Office of the proposed adoption(s) in June prior to the beginning of the budget planning process for the next fiscal year.
- In July, the Textbooks Office sends a formal letter to vendors providing notification of intended textbook adoptions and content standards, review date, and requesting a minimum of two sets of review materials and responses regarding digital materials for IT review be sent. and One set of print materials is to be retained by the Textbooks Office.
- In August, the curriculum supervisor/specialist will review all responses from vendors. A minimum of two different vendors must be considered in the review process where more than one have submitted materials.
- In September, the Textbooks Office notifies vendors of an intended committee review and requests additional quantities of the materials for the committee. Any textbook adoption may include a vendor presentation at the discretion and facilitation of the instructional supervisor.
- A review of the materials by the appropriate committee must be conducted and documentation of the feedback in relation to the materials reviewed must be filed by the instructional supervisor for a period of six years.
- By the end of the second week in November, the instructional supervisor must finalize the review of the materials and submit a draft Board Action Summary to the Textbooks Office.
- By the second week of January, the Textbooks Office will schedule contract planning sessions with the selected vendor(s).
- The Textbooks Office will finalize board action summaries to the Chief Academic Officer by the end of January.
- The results of the adoption process are approved by the Board by the end of March and prior to beginning purchasing.
- Software and online materials adoptions shall follow the procedures
above, with the following additional guidelines:
- All textbook software and/or online resources that will be used by students or teachers must be tested by Information Technology prior to conducting the review, to certify successful operation in our schools on the approved standard computer, and must comply with COMAR 13A.05.02.13 H related to requirements governing equivalent access.
- For all textbook and instructional software, vendors must grant permission to include adopted software and related content on the standard computer image.
- For all online textbook resources, vendors must provide single sign on or equivalent access to ensure that no student data resides outside of the Prince George’s County firewall.
- Evaluation (see attachments)
- Before the committee meets, the content supervisor/specialist must review and modify as appropriate for the content area the evaluation form (see sample attachment) which must include space for the committee members to state why, in their opinion, the selected materials should or should not be approved, space for notification of controversial materials, space for the reason for recommending the material, and space to certify that the committee member read or reviewed the material in its entirety.
- Before the committee meets and votes, members of the committee responsible for reviewing content, shall have read the book or thoroughly reviewed the material. The standards for conducting the evaluation (see attachments and sample evaluation tools) should be used as a part of the review process.
- Upon a majority vote for approval, the recommendation for the adoption of the textbook series will go to the Associate Superintendent, Director or Officer of the content area and copied to the Textbooks Office in the form of a draft Board Action Summary written by the curriculum supervisor/specialist. The draft Board Action Summary will indicate the chosen vendor and all titles and ISBNs for the selected textbook and materials.
- If a majority vote cannot be obtained, the curriculum supervisor/specialist shall make the recommendation on which material(s) he/she considers best for the program and consult with the Associate Superintendent, Director or Officer of the content area on his/her choice.
- Upon a majority vote for approval, the recommendation for the adoption of the textbook series will go to the Associate Superintendent, Director or Officer of the content area and copied to the Textbooks Office in the form of a draft Board Action Summary written by the curriculum supervisor/specialist. The draft Board Action Summary will indicate the chosen vendor and all titles and ISBNs for the selected textbook and materials.
- If a majority vote cannot be obtained, the curriculum supervisor/specialist shall make the recommendation on which material(s) he/she considers best for the program and consult with the Associate Superintendent, Director or Officer of the content area on his/her choice.
- Upon review by the Chief Academic Officer, the adoption request will then be submitted to the Board of Education for final approval.
- Pursuant to procurement policy, The Board of Education of Prince George’s County will be given the following information in the form of a Board Action Summary with each item of material for approval:
- A description of the process by which the item was selected;
- The names of the committee members;
- Evidence of certification that the instructional software meets standards, will successfully operate on standard school computers, and has an implementation plan ensuring that the software will be available for use in a timely fashion;
- The reason for recommendation;
- Evidence of majority approval; and
- Budget implications.
- If a material is not approved for purchase, the reasons will be addressed as appropriate.
- If a material is approved, it will remain on the list of approved titles kept by each corresponding department for a period of six (6) years from publication before it will be automatically removed and the content area request for materials will be resubmitted for recommendation.
- The Textbooks Office will send letters to all vendors participating in the adoption indicating whether their company’s materials were adopted or not.
- Approval by the Board of Education
- The Board of Education of Prince George’s County are furnished with additions to the approved classroom instructional list as appropriate through the Board Action Summary.
- Nothing in this procedure, however, shall preclude the Chief Executive Officer from seeking Board of Education approval for the use of instructional materials at such other times as he or she deems essential.
- Distribution of Textbooks
- School personnel must ensure that every student has appropriate textbooks and/or materials of instruction to support student learning at every grade level, and which students can take home for study or to complete classroom
- The number of textbooks and related instructional materials appropriate for a course or program depends on the nature of the course or program. Students may require use of a single textbook; a variety of resources, including textbooks; a “multi-text” approach; or no textbook (e.g., laboratory materials, manipulative materials, learning kits, wall charts, reference books, and other types of instructional aids are used to deliver the curriculum). However, regardless of the course or grade level, every student must have appropriate instructional materials for use in the classroom and at home for homework and study purposes.
- How Orders Are filled: After approving items on a campus submitted requisition, the textbook staff will coordinate with textbook warehouse staff to fill the order. Requisitions will be filled, if possible, from warehouse stock. If the requisition cannot be filled with warehouse stock, the district textbook staff will attempt to fill the order by transferring materials from another campus or order from vendors.
- When Orders Are Shipped: If the requested items are available in the warehouse or the district textbook staff creates a campus transfer using TIPWeb-IM, orders should be shipped in order of submitted request. If orders have to be placed through vendors, they will take longer.
- Warehouse Delivery and Pick-Up: District warehouse staff is responsible for safely transporting textbooks to and from campuses.
- Deliver textbooks and/or textbook components to the main office along with a printed TIPWeb-IM Pick Ticket or Transfer Ticket. The ticket should be signed by a campus staff member or designated recipient after they have verified receipt of the shipment.
- If no one is available to sign for the shipment, it must be returned to the warehouse.
- Return the original signed Pick Ticket to the district textbook staff. Leave one copy of the Pick Ticket with the campus textbook staff.
- Delivery Location On Campus: Requested textbooks and/or textbook components will be delivered to the main office and then must be relocated by school staff to a secured, designated textbook room or other secured location at each campus.
- Campus Staff: The campus staff is responsible for receiving textbooks and/or textbook components delivered to the campus by the district textbook staff or vendor.
- Verify quantities delivered and match the quantities shipped according to the Pick Ticket or Transfer Ticket and Receive in TIPWeb.
- Sign and date the original Pick Ticket for the delivery staff.
- Report any quantity discrepancies to the district textbook staff within five days of receipt of materials.
- Ensure textbooks and/or textbook components are barcoded and in good condition.
- Store textbooks and/or textbook components until distribution to students/teachers.
- Inform district textbook staff of any textbook name/role changes for the campus staff.
- Accountability for Textbooks and/or Textbook Components
- By the close of the school year, each textbook should either be counted on the inventory and placed in a secure location or deemed to be in a student's possession.
- Each school is required to complete an audit in TIPWeb-IM by the last day of the school year. TIPWeb-IM must accurately reflect the number of books on hand and all adjustments made to account for books no longer on hand.
- The student is responsible for paying for any textbook assigned to him or her that is not returned or is damaged. Reimbursement fees for lost or damaged core textbooks collected by the school must be remitted to the Accounting Office of Prince George's County Public Schools. At the end of each school year, school staff will provide notification to the parent that an obligation is owed. We encourage all financial obligations to be fulfilled before a student’s senior year.
- For students who are on Free and Reduced Meals, parents may request a fee waiver for the maximum amount of 25% of the textbook cost.
- Schools with unresolved discrepancies will be required to replace core textbooks with school funds.
- Individual teachers are responsible for the return of all teacher resources and materials that are issued to them during the school year. The teacher checkout process should include verification of the return of these materials.
- The principal is responsible for the final inventory.
- Textbook Security:
- Campus textbook storage rooms should be locked with only a limited number of staff in possession of a key. The textbook room(s) should be organized by subject and/or grade level. Bilingual textbooks and/or textbook components should be separated from English materials due to similar cover.
- Teacher materials should be located in a designated area of the textbook room(s). They should be organized by subject and/or grade level along with all components. These organizational methods allow for efficiency and auditing readiness.
- After textbooks and/or textbook components have been delivered and signed for by the campus staff, the campus assumes responsibility for the quantity and care of delivered items.
- Campus Textbook Funds: Each campus is responsible for implementing a system to control funds collected from students for lost and damaged materials.
- The campus staff will create and submit paid adjustments quarterly in TIPWeb-IM for collected money for lost textbooks and/or textbook components.
- The campus staff will keep textbook funds separate and apart from other campus accounts.
- Monies collected for textbooks and/or textbook components should be used to satisfy textbook debt. Each year by the June 30 fiscal year end the textbook account should be cleared by submitting the Reimbursement Form along with the school check to the Accounting Operations office at Sasscer Administration Building.
- Receipts for money collected from the students can be printed from TIPWeb-IM.
- Refunds should be issued for recovered textbooks and/or textbook components at the campus staff discretion. Refunds will not be allowed after the date announced by campus staff.
- Destroyed/Stolen:
- Destroyed textbooks are those materials that can no longer be used due to natural causes not the fault of the student. Insurance forms are required for fire or flood damage, through the Office of Risk Management. Final determination of the condition of the material is at the discretion of the campus staff. A destroyed adjustment is created and submitted to the district through TIPWeb-IM. The textbook and/or textbook component is collected from the student through TIPWeb-IM to clear the student’s record. Once approved, district textbook staff will post the adjustment, which removes the textbook and/or textbook components from the responsibility of the campus by reducing the inventory quantity of the materials listed on the adjustment. Destroyed textbooks and/or textbook components may be recycled. The district will attempt to collect money for intentionally destroyed materials.
- Stolen textbooks and/or textbook components are those materials determined to be missing from a student’s home, locker or vehicle and not the fault of the student. Before the student record is cleared, a police report must be submitted to the campus textbook staff. A paid adjustment is then created and submitted through TIPWeb-IM to reduce the campus inventory quantity for the stolen materials. Once approved, district textbook staff will post the adjustment, which removes the textbook and/or textbook component from the responsibility of the campus by reducing the inventory quantity of the materials listed on the adjustment.
- Worn:
- Worn textbooks and/or textbook components are materials in such poor condition they cannot be distributed to a student/teacher with the expectation they will be usable for the entire school year. If the campus staff determines the wear is due to misuse, the student will be required to pay the full cost of the material.
- A worn adjustment is created and submitted through TIPWeb-IM. A Call Tag is generated by the district textbook staff for pick-up by warehouse staff for binding/recycling. Once quantities are verified, the district will post the adjustment, which removes the material from the responsibility of the campus by reducing the inventory quantity of the materials listed on the adjustment.
- Final determination of the condition of the material is at the discretion of the district textbook staff.
- Surplus: Surplus textbooks and/or textbook components refer to the quantity of usable materials at the campus that exceed current student enrollment in the assigned courses. If the district has a need for campus surplus textbooks and/or textbook components, the district textbook staff will create a return surplus adjustment through TIPWeb-IM. School staff may initiate a return surplus adjustment as well. A Call Tag will be generated by the district textbook staff. Warehouse staff will pick-up the textbooks and/or textbook components for return to the warehouse. Once quantities are verified, the district will post the adjustment, which removes the textbooks and/or textbook components from the responsibility of the campus by reducing the inventory quantity of the materials listed on the adjustment.
- Paid: Paid textbooks and/or textbook components refer to lost, intentionally destroyed, or intentionally misused textbooks that have been paid for by the student. If a student locates a lost textbook that had been paid for during the current school year, it may be returned for a refund. It is a campus based decision, however, as to whether refunds will be given. If the campus allows for refunds, they will only be given if the textbook is returned by the date announced by campus staff. Intentionally destroyed or intentionally misused textbooks may not be brought back into the classroom. The student is entitled to keep the title after payment. The campus staff will create and submit a Paid Adjustment through TIPWeb-IM. The district will post the adjustment, which removes the textbook and/or textbook component from the responsibility of the campus by reducing the inventory quantity of the materials listed on the adjustment.
- Out of Adoption/Obsoletes: Out of adoption/obsolete textbooks and/or textbook components refer to books no longer being used within the district. District textbook staff will provide instructions to campuses to coordinate the collection of obsolete textbooks. Campuses are not allowed to sell textbooks. The district textbook staff will negotiate buy-back, donation, or recycling options.
- Defective: If new textbooks and/or textbook components are delivered to a campus with loose binding, missing pages, inverted pages, etc., the campus staff must contact the district textbook staff immediately. These textbooks and/or textbook components should be repaired or replaced by the publisher.
VI. Monitoring and Compliance
- The school principal ensures that the teacher checkout process includes verification of the return of materials.
- The textbooks office annually communicates with schools any obsolete or new materials.
- School principals will announce a deadline for refunds for located books.
- Principals will oversee a process by which designated school staff complete an annual year-end audit in TIPWeb to document inventory.
VII. Related Procedures
VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures
These procedures originate with the Division of Academics and will be updated as appropriate.
IX. Cancellations and Supersedures
This Administrative Procedure replaces Administrative Procedure 6161, Textbooks dated October 1, 2014.
X. Effective Date
August 19, 2021