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Board Policy 5131.1 - Bus Conduct

I. Policy Statement

  1. The Prince George’s County Board of Education (Board) is committed to fostering a safe, orderly, and respectful learning environment that extends to student conduct on the bus. The Board believes that students should be transported in an environment in which students demonstrate courtesy, consideration, and respect for each other. The Board will not tolerate disruptive behavior, bullying, or any action that compromises the safety of fellow students, the driver, and attendants.
  2. The Board expects fair, consistent, trauma-informed, and equitable application of behavioral interventions and disciplinary action. While students should be accountable for the consequences of their behavior, disciplinary responses must be used equitably and focus on promoting positive relationships and implementing interventions and support strategies.
  3. Riding the school bus is a privilege that may be temporarily denied or permanently revoked if misconduct jeopardizes the safe operation of the school bus, the safety of students riding the bus, and the safety of the bus driver and attendant.

II. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for appropriate student conduct on the bus and disciplinary action addressing inappropriate behavior traveling on the bus.

III. Definitions

  1. Audiovisual – Electronic media possessing both a sound and a visual component which allows for audio and visual recording.
  2. Education record – An audiovisual recording is an education record when it is
    (1) directly related to a student; and
    (2) maintained by PGCPS.
  3. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) – Federal legislation that protects the privacy of students' personally identifiable information (PII) in education records. The act applies to all educational institutions that receive federal funds.
  4. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) – Any information that, alone or in combination, would make it possible to identify an individual student with reasonable certainty

IV. Standards

  1. The Superintendent/designee will identify the behavior expectations for waiting for the bus at the bus stop, boarding the bus, being transported on the bus, and exiting the bus.
  2. The Superintendent/designee will provide training to school staff, bus drivers and attendants on establishing a clear and common understanding on the expectations for student behavior for waiting for the bus at the bus stop, boarding the bus, being transported on the bus, and exiting the bus.
  3. School administrators are responsible for providing students training annually on the behavior expectations for waiting for the bus at the bus stop, boarding the bus, being transported on the bus, and exiting the bus.
  4. The students that are transported on a school bus will be subject to audiovisual surveillance. Students, staff, and the public shall be notified that audiovisual recording occurs on buses. Parents and students will be notified annually through the Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, and the PGCPS website. All buses with cameras will have signs posted that state that the bus is equipped with audiovisual surveillance cameras.
  5. An audiovisual recording that is directly related to a student, as well as maintained by PGCPS, is considered an educational record and shall be maintained and utilized in compliance with the federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  6. Disciplinary responses will be provided in accordance with the Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) Student Code of Conduct. A student will receive due process, beginning with referral to the school principal with written documentation by the referring adult, contact to parent/guardian, and an opportunity to present what happened. If the principal finds the student responsible for the violation, he/she will determine the appropriate disciplinary response within the Student Code of Conduct.
  7. Escalated or repeated behaviors may result in further responses according to the Student Code of Conduct.
  8. If the disciplinary response for a student who violated the Student Code of Conduct is a request to remove a student from school for a period of time longer than 10 days, the student or their parent/guardian may appeal the extended suspension set forth in Policy 5115 - Student Appeals of Disciplinary Action and the accompanying administrative procedure.

V. Implementation Responsibilities

The Superintendent is authorized to develop an administrative procedure to implement this policy.

VI. References

  1. Legal
    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99)
  2. Other Board Policies
    1. Policy 3541 – Transportation
    2. Policy 5115 - Student Appeals of Disciplinary Action
  3. Related Sources
    1. Administrative Procedure 5115 - Student Appeals of Extended Suspensions and Expulsions
    2. Administrative Procedure 10501 - Audiovisual Recording on School Buses

VII. History

Policy Adopted 02/09/71

Policy Amended 05/16/03

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required 11/09/04

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required 10/04/05

Policy Reviewed-No Revisions Required 12/20/06

Policy Reviewed and Revised 04/25/2024

Effective 07/01/2024

About This Policy

Updated April 25, 2024


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