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Board Policies 5000 - Students

Board Policy Title Last Updated
BP 5110.3 - Transfer of Students 10/26/2023
BP 5110.4 - Sibling Enrollment 04/29/2010
BP 5111 - Legal Age of Admission 06/21/2007
BP 5112 - Foreign Exchange Students 04/29/2010
BP 5113 - Student Attendance, Absence, and Truancy 11/10/2022
BP 5114.1 - Students Exiting Before Attainment of Diploma or Certificate 10/26/2023

BP 5115 - Student Appeals of Disciplinary Action 10/21/2020
BP 5117 - Supplemental Learning Opportunities and Promotion and Retention 04/29/2010
BP 5118 - Non-Resident Students 06/25/2015
BP 5119.3 - Pregnant and Parenting Students 07/01/2022
BP 5120 - Search and Seizure 04/25/2024
BP 5121 - Grading and Reporting for Elementary and Secondary Students 10/24/2024
BP 5122 - Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities 05/11/2023
BP 5124.1 - Reporting Test Results 02/07/2008
BP 5125 - Student Information and Education Records


BP 5125.1 - Children in State-Supervised Care-Transfer of Educational Records 04/29/2010
BP 5125.4 - Informed Consent - Student Data Gathering 11/09/2023
BP 5131.1 - Bus Conduct 04/25/2024
BP 5135 - School-Based Fund Raising 04/29/2010
BP 5138 - Charity Drives 09/28/2005
BP 5141 - Student Registered Sex Offenders - Entry Onto School Property 07/01/2022
BP 5143 - Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation 06/09/2022
BP 5144 - Release of Information Regarding Pupils - Law Enforcement Officers 04/29/2010
BP 5150 - Student Involvement, Rights, and Responsibilities 10/11/2005
BP 5151 - Student Journalists and School-Sponsored Media 07/01/2022
BP 5152 - Student Dress Code 10/11/2005
BP 5162.1 - Do Not Resuscitate Orders 05/11/2023
BP 5163 - Students with Asthma 04/29/2010
BP 5165 - Policy to Manage Individuals in Schools with Severe Allergic Reactions or an Unknown History of Anaphylaxis 02/07/2013
BP 5168 - Automated External Defibrillators 11/09/2023
BP 5169 - Student Sunscreen Use 05/11/2023
BP 5175 - Policy to Address Gangs, Gang Activity, and Similar Destructive or Illegal Behavior 06/20/2011
BP 5180 - Student Use of Social Media and Portable Electronic Devices in the Schools 04/25/2024
BP 5204 - Bus Transportation for Cheerleaders, Majorettes, Etc 10/04/2005
BP 5205 - Proms 09/28/2005
BP 5206 - Yearbooks, Photographs 09/28/2005
BP 5210 - Prohibition of Systemic Meal Shaming Practices and Board Regulation on a Universal Meals 10/11/2020
BP 5211 - Student Demonstrations 07/01/2022

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