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Administrative Procedure 5111 - Registration and Withdrawal of Students

I. Purpose

To provide the procedures for the registration and withdrawal of all students.

II. Policy

State law requires the registration and enrollment of children between the ages of five and twenty years old who reside with a parent, court-appointed guardian or informal kinship care provider who is a bona fide resident of the county.

Board of Education Policy 5111 requires the Superintendent to develop administrative procedures implementing the eligibility, registration and enrollment requirements for students.

III. Definitions

  1. Regular Student - A student, who otherwise does not meet one of the definitions below, is between the ages of three and twenty years whose parent or guardian is a bona fide resident of Prince George’s County, who is eligible for enrollment, and has their regular nighttime residence with the parent or court-appointed guardian in the school’s attendance area. (Age means that the student is at least three years of age by September 1, and is not 21 years old before the first day of school as specified in COMAR 13A.08.01.02).
  2. Emancipated Student - A student eighteen to twenty years of age, or a student under the age of 18 who has married, enlisted in the military, and/or has been emancipated by the court, who has independently established residence in Prince George’s County, and has not received a diploma or certificate from an accredited high school or equivalent.
  3. Nonresident Student - A whose parent or court-appointed guardian is not a bona fide resident or does not maintain their regular nighttime residence in Prince George’s County.
  4. International Student - A student who has a birth certificate/live certificate of birth from outside of the United States, has school records from outside of the United States, or whose native language is not English. (See Administrative Procedure 5111.3)
  5. Graduated Student - A student who has completed requirements for a diploma or a certificate from an accredited high school, Special Education Center, or Vocational High School or equivalent.
  6. Transfer Student - A student whose parent or court-appointed guardian resides in one attendance area, but who has received an approval under Board Policy 5110.3 or 5110.4 to attend another school within Prince George’s County. (See Administrative Procedure 5110.3 and 5110.4)
  7. Homeless Student - A student who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. The student may live in a shelter, a motel, a car, a campground, or on the street. Homeless students may be “doubled-up” with relatives or friends due to a loss of housing, natural disaster, or economic hardship. (See Administrative Procedure 5010)
  8. Lease - A valid lease will contain the following elements executed by both the lease and the property owner/management company:
    • Premise address
    • Landlord/Lessee names and dated signatures
    • Term of the Lease (start/end date and/or month to month conversion)
    • Payment amount and frequency

If the lessor is not a commercial/management company, then the landlord should be clearly associated with the property via public records. Where there is no public record available, the lessor shall provide official documentation verifying his/her possession of the property. Commercial electronic leases are acceptable with a written letter on letterhead from the property manager. Private party leases must be notarized by the landlord.

Note: Subleases are not valid unless approved and notarized by the original landlord.

IV. Procedures

The following steps comprise the procedures for the registration and withdrawal of students:

  1. Registration
    1. The Regular/Emancipated Student
      1. Authorization to register a student

        Only the parent or court appointed guardian, Informal Care Provider or Standby Guardian approved by PGCPS, or the emancipated student is allowed to register the student for school. However, for students in state supervised care, that authority is extended to include the child’s placement agency caseworker, foster parent, PGCPS special education appointed parent surrogate, education guardian, residential childcare program representative, court-appointed special advocate (CASA), or court-appointed attorney, with appropriate documentation. In the paragraphs that follow, the term “parent/guardian” shall be understood to include the above named individuals.

        Any other individual not included in the above categories, should be referred to Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries.

        Please refer to Administrative Procedure 5118.1 for further information regarding students in Informal Care arrangements or Standby Guardianship arrangements.
      2. Required Documentation

        In order to register, the parent/guardian should present him/herself with appropriate documentation, at the school office.  Registration personnel shall first determine that the student and parent/guardian reside in their school attendance area.  To verify, use School Finder application located on the PGCPS website. If the residence is not in the attendance area, the parent/guardian should be directed to their assigned school.

        If the parent/guardian is at the correct school, the following documents should be reviewed for adequacy:  
        1. ) Parent/Guardian Government-issued Photo Identification Card
        2. ) Proof of parentage/legal guardianship or other official authority to enroll (e.g. foster parent, final court order, PGCPS authorized letter)
        3. ) Parent/Guardian’s proof of residence
        4. ) Student’s Proof of Birth/Age
        5. ) Student’s most recent Immunization/Shot Records
        6. ) Student’s most recent school records/last report card

          Homeless students: Failure to provide all the required documents should not delay the initial enrollment of a homeless student.

          International students: If the documents indicate that the student is an International Student enrolling from home or a non-PGCPS school, and has not been registered with the International Student Counseling Office (ISCO), the school should assist the parent/guardian in contacting ISCO for an appointment. If the parent has been registered with ISCO, the school should verify the documents and proceed with the enrollment.

          Unaccompanied students: If a student arrives at school alone, school personnel must make every effort to contact and advise the parent/guardian of the registration requirements. If the parent/guardian is unable to come to school to complete registration forms, school personnel should contact the Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW). The PPW will assist in getting the forms completed. If the parent cannot be reached, proper authorities should be notified.
      3. Conditional Enrollment

        Once a parent/guardian applies to register a child for school, the student shall be conditionally enrolled for a period of up to 30 days pending verification of all required documents.

        To avoid erroneous entries in the Student Information System (SIS) and to minimize confusion for parents and school staff, a basic check will be conducted before a student is conditionally enrolled to confirm:
        1. the parent is at the correct school;
        2. the child is the correct age, or approved for early admission, for registration in grade 1 and below; and
        3. the family’s income meets the income eligibility guidelines for enrolling a student in prekindergarten, if applicable.

      4. Student Registration Form

        The parent/guardian or emancipated student must complete the Student Registration Form, PA14. Students are not fully registered until the required documents have been completed and verified.

        If the student is transferring from another Prince George’s County Public School, the parent/guardian should present the Maryland Student Withdrawal/Transfer Record Card, SR7, and complete a new Student Registration Form, PA14. All items must be completed and the form must be signed and dated.

      5. Change in guardian status: In addition to completing a new PA-14 with a change in school, a new PA-14 must be completed when there is a change in guardian or a change in the status of the enrolling adult (e.g. from foster parent to adoptive parent).
      6. Acceptable Documentation – Proof of Birth

        The following documentation must be an official original and can be used as birth verification: birth certificate/certificate of live birth, hospital certificate, physician’s certificate, baptismal or church certificate, passport/VISA or other official documentation approved by Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries. A passport or VISA can be used as a proof of birth only if approved by the International Student Counseling Office (ISCO). The child’s name, child’s birth date and parent’s complete name must be listed on the document provided. If the parent’s name is listed differently from the document provided, additional information may be required to verify identity (e.g., marriage certificate, court order, etc.).

        A copy of the proof of birth must be attached to the Student Registration Form, PA14. The name recorded in the student database shall be recorded exactly as written on the birth certificate/birth verification. If a student’s enrollment is current in one of Prince George’s County public schools, a legible copy of the birth verification already on file in the student’s cumulative folder can be attached to the Maryland Student Withdrawal/Transfer Record Card, SR7.

      7. Acceptable Documentation – Residence Verification

        Residence verification must be provided prior to enrollment by the parent or guardian for all students, except those registering as homeless. Proof of residency shall be a prerequisite of admission to the public schools; such proof MUST also be provided to school personnel with any change of residence. Such proof must list the parent’s/guardian’s name, address and must be dated.

        Proof of residence may be established by a combination of the following documents: settlement papers, lease/rental agreement, deed of property, mortgage statement, letter from apartment complexes on official letterhead, or a current tax assessment bill. These documents must be originals.

        Settlement papers, lease agreements, and rental agreements must be signed and dated by all parties.

        A Maryland driver’s license is NOT acceptable proof of residence

        Additional documentation that may be required:

        Additional items including recent mail (within 30 days) are required if there are concerns regarding the proof of residence, if the original term of the lease has expired, or if the ownership information is more than one year old. The documents provided must be originals, not copies. These documents must be delivered by US Postal mail and may include the following: non-cell phone bill, utility bill, credit card statement, bank statement, mail from government agencies (excluding PGCPS) for official correspondence, hospital bill, or auto, home, or health insurance policy. Copies of online documents are not acceptable as proof of residence with the exception of an electronic commercial lease accompanied by an original letter from the property manager. Private party leases must be notarized by the landlord or attach a recent notarized statement by the landlord verifying the terms of lease.

        One primary residence permitted:
        Only one principal residence shall be recognized for school enrollment and lacking information to the contrary, property owned in the state of Maryland, Virginia, or the District of Columbia shall be used as the primary address for school enrollment.

        Shared housing forms may not be used for an individual who owns residential property unless it can be clearly established that the property is not habitable or is no longer under the control of the individual.

        Acknowledgement of primary residence with other government agencies (e.g., voter registration, State Department of Taxation, Prince George’s County Office of Finance) shall also be considered in determining primary residence.

        Lacking documentation of a legal separation, a married couple shall only have one principal residence.

        The Department of Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries shall resolve questions regarding the adequacy of documents used for proof of residence, if a particular address can be considered a primary address for school enrollment and if an adult seeking to enroll a child is a bona fide resident for school enrollment purposes.

        A copy of the proof of residence must be attached to the Student Registration Form, PA14.

      8. Shared Housing

        For families sharing living space/property with a relative or friend, a notarized Prince George's County Public Schools Shared Housing Affidavit (no other affidavit/letter shall be accepted), signed by both parties detailing the living arrangement and all school age children of the sponsored family, may be used as proof of residence with the following conditions:

        1. ) All parties must sign the notarized affidavit;
        2. ) The relative or friend, with whom the parents reside/share property, must provide their proof of residence in accordance with the specifications outlined in section f.;
        3. ) Additional proof of residence (more than one item) is required of the parent/guardian within 30 days if new to the residence.

          These documents must be delivered by United States Postal mail and may include the following: non-cell phone bill, utility bill, credit card statement, bank statement, mail from government agencies (excluding PGCPS) for official correspondence, hospital bill or auto/home/or health insurance policy. Copies of on-line documents are not acceptable as proof of residence.

          The parent should be advised that the school system reserves the right to monitor this type of proof periodically or as needed, normally every 30 days.

          Shared housing affidavit and U.S. Postal mail must be updated each school year to reflect a date no earlier than June preceding the opening of the next school year. For transitional students, proof of residence can be obtained beginning third quarter of the current school year and received no later than the beginning of the new school year.

          A copy of the documents used as proof of residency will be retained indefinitely in the student’s cumulative record file.

      9. Estate properties: For families residing in properties where the homeowner is deceased, the individual named by the court as the executor of the estate or those individuals who would be recognized by the rules of intestacy as having rights to the property shall be authorized to sign the Shared Housing Affidavit. Official documentation will be required.

      10. Married couples; single owner/lessor: For married couples where one spouse is the sole property owner/lessee, the property ownership/lessee documentation along with a marriage certificate and official mail of the registering spouse can be used for registration.

      11. Public housing: A family residing in public housing can present a letter from the State/County Housing Authority in lieu of a lease.

      12. Maryland Safe at Home: Students enrolling under the Maryland Safe At Home Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) are only required to present their ACP letter and ACP card for proof of residence.

      13. Updating Proof of Residence: Updated proof of residency will be required at each transitional grade. In addition, if the parent/guardian relocates during the school year, a new registration form must be completed and new proof of residency must be provided at that time. The address on the documentation must match the address on the registration form (PA-14). A change in address may result in a change in school.

      14. Affidavit of Disclosure:  Parent(s) and guardian(s), who are registering their child(ren) in Prince George’s County Public Schools for the first time must complete the Affidavit of Disclosure, PA15, as required by law, verifying their legal residence.
        1. ) School personnel will check the Student Registration Form, PA14, and Affidavit of Disclosure, PA15, to ensure that all items of information are completed and to verify the proof of residence. See IV. A.1.e.
          NOTE: If there is some question regarding the validity of one of the proofs, school personnel may require additional information.
        2. ) Applicants completing the Affidavit of Disclosure, PA15, should be advised that completion of this form is required by law and is a prerequisite for admission in the public schools.
        3. ) School personnel designated by the principal must witness the signature of the applicant on the Affidavit of Disclosure, PA15. The school retains the Affidavit of Disclosure, PA15, and places it in the student’s cumulative folder.
        4. ) Only one Affidavit of Disclosure, PA15, is required when the applicant enrolls more than one student in the same school; however, a copy must be placed in each student’s folder.
        5. ) Once all of the registration forms are completed, the information must be entered into the SIS.
    2. The Nonresident Student
      1.  If the student is a nonresident who will be paying tuition, he/she may obtain permission to enroll in a Prince George’s County public school. For enrollment procedures, refer to Administrative Procedure 5118.1.
      2. Every year a new contract, PA26/27 or PA28, must be completed and signed by the agency and/or parent/guardian.
      3. If the student is being enrolled by an informal care provider approved by Administrative Procedure 5118.1., a new approval is required each year and may involve the payment of tuition. (See Administrative Procedure 5118.1.)
    3. The International Student
      1. Students who were born outside of the United States, have current school records from outside the United States, or whose native language is not English (regardless of place of birth) must begin the registration process at the International Student Counseling Office (ISCO).
      2. Before accepting the students for enrollment, the parent/guardian should be referred to the ISCO office for completion of all registration forms, English Proficiency testing, and grade placement decisions. (See Administrative Procedure 5111.3)
    4. The Homeless Student

      The parent should be referred to the Registrar/Records Secretary for assistance with completion of the online Homeless Student Services Form at the most recently attended school or the school serving their current residence. (See Administrative Procedure 5010)
    5. The Graduated Student

      If a student is exited as a bona fide graduated student, enrollment in a Prince George’s County public schools is prohibited.

    6. Transfer Student

      The parent/guardian must present a letter indicating transfer APPROVAL by the Office of Student Records and Transfers. (See Administrative Procedure 5110.3.)

    7. Out-of-County Request for Records

      1. For all students transferring from a non-PGCPS school, education records should be requested from the former school within two (2) school days after enrollment. For students who studied outside the United States, the ISCO office will collect transfer information and transcripts.

      2. For a student entering PGCPS from a placement agency or a child in State- supervised care, the receiving school must:

        1. ) Inform the sending school of the enrollment or imminent enrollment.

        2. ) Request, in writing, the education records of the student.

        3. ) Provide a copy of the request to the agency or responsible adult.
        4. ) Refer the agency or responsible adult to Education Article sections 8-501 – 8-506, Annotated Code of Maryland, for specific rights in Maryland for children in State-supervised care.
  2. Withdrawal of Students
    1. Only the person who registered the student may withdraw the student from school unless:
      1. There has been a court order removing the custody rights of the person who registered the student, and the person withdrawing the student is the legal custodian/guardian.
      2. It is not possible for the person who registered the student to do so (e.g. the person is incarcerated, deceased, hospitalized, unable to be located, etc.) and the person withdrawing the student is a parent/guardian.
      3. The person who registered the student should not have been permitted to register the student in the first place and the person withdrawing the student is a custodial parent/guardian.
      4. You are directed by court order or the Department of Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries to do so.

    2. The parent/guardian, or emancipated student should appear in person or submit in writing that the student is withdrawing, stating the reason and anticipated last date of attendance.

    3. Unexcused absences:

      If a student has been absent, unexcused, for more than 3 consecutive days the school must make every effort as outlined in Administrative Procedure 5113 to verify the circumstances of the absence. Efforts to contact the parent/guardian must be documented and filed in the student’s record. If a student has excessive unexcused absences, the school must follow the steps outlined in Administrative Procedure 5113.

      Any student (age 18 years or older as of July 1, 2016) withdrawn using exit codes W33 (lack of interest) or W34, (employment) or other reasons must be withdrawn in accordance with the procedures stated on the Notification of Pupil Withdrawal form PS 105. An exit interview must be conducted, if possible and resource information must be given to the student. All schools must use the Withdrawal Form, PA22.

      The date of withdrawal will be the next (open) school day following the last day of attendance.

      Student Transfers:

    4. In the case of a student transfer to another school within the county, the parent/guardian or emancipated student should be provided with a completed Maryland Student Withdraw/Transfer Record, SR7. The sending school must forward the entire record, including a statement regarding outstanding financial obligations, upon written request by the receiving school. (See Administrative Procedure 6161.)

    5. In the case of a student transferring to a school outside of PGCPS, enrollment in the new school must be verified in order for the student to be identified as a continuing student rather than a student exited as whereabouts unknown. (See Student Enrollment Guide.)

    6. Education records: Copies of education records may only be released in accordance with Administrative Procedure 5125.

    7. Alternative programs: Any student expelled from their boundary school may be placed in an alternative program. If not placed in an alternative program, missed classwork and assignments will be given by the boundary school for the student to complete in accordance with the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

    8. Out-of-County Transfer of Records

      1. For students transferring to a non-PGCPS school, upon receipt of a request for student records from an educational institution, the school should provide, within three (3) school days, the educational records of the child.

      2. When written notification is received by another school of enrollment or imminent enrollment of a former student who is now in State-supervised care, the school must:

        1. ) Immediately inform the receiving school orally of the grade level of the child.

        2. ) Immediately inform the receiving school orally of the status of the child (that the student was known to be in State-supervised care).

        3. ) Within three (3) school days, provide by mail, electronically, or hand delivery:

          1. ) A copy of a completed student withdrawal or transfer record

          2. ) The entire academic records of the child.

          3. ) The immunization records of the child and,

          4. ) If applicable, the most recent IEP or 504 plan, and the assessments of the child.

V. Exceptions

  1. In the event of a system- or statewide emergency, school closures or other extraordinary circumstances that prevent parents/guardians from being able to access school buildings or staff, the Director of Pupil Accounting, or designee, may grant certain exceptions or waivers from the contents of this procedure.

    The exceptions or waivers may include, but are not limited to:
    1. The type of acceptable documentation that may be submitted to establish residency or other requirements;
    2. The form or method of submitting required documentation, including electronic copies, hard copies or original documentation; and
    3. The timeline for submitting required documentation, unless otherwise required by law or Board policy.
  2. Parents/guardians may be required to submit supplemental documentation by a specified time after normal school operations are resumed. However, the waivers provided under this section will allow the conditional enrollment of a student for up to 30 school days, unless additional time is needed due to extraordinary circumstances.
  3. Waivers or exceptions may not be granted for any documentation or requirements established by law or Board policy.

VI. Monitoring and Compliance

  1. The Department of Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries shall resolve questions regarding the adequacy of documents used for proof of registration or withdrawal of students.
  2. School registrars and secretaries will receive annual training on updates required for this procedure.
  3. School staff must maintain a record of approval for any waivers or exceptions provided under this procedure with registration packet in the student’s cumulative folder.

VII. Legal Authority

Maryland Code, Education Article sections 7-101 and 7-102; COMAR 13A.08.01 et seq.

VII. Related Procedures and Forms

For procedures applicable to registration, enrollment and withdrawal of students, see the following Board of Education Administrative Procedures:


The following forms are used to complete the enrollment and withdrawal of students:

  • PA5 - Family Card;
  • PA14 - Student Registration Form and/or Online registration print out;
  • PA15 - Affidavit of Disclosure
  • PA22 - Withdrawal Form
  • PA26/27 - Application for Enrollment of a Nonresident Student
  • PA28 - Application for Request to Enroll Nonresident Students (Maryland Counties)
  • PS16 - Parental Permission to Request Information
  • PS38 - Request for Records Card
  • PS46 - Permanent Record Card
  • PS105 - Notification of Pupil Withdrawal
  • PS126 - Tentative Grade or Subject Agreement for Placement of Enrolling Students
  • SR7 - Maryland Student Withdraw/Transfer Record

IX. Maintenance and Update of This Administrative Procedure

This procedure originates with Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries, and regular updating will be accomplished as may be necessary.

X. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 5111, Registration and Withdrawal of Students, dated March 30, 2020.

XI. Effective Date

July 1, 2024


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