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Administrative Procedure 4149 - Final Salary Check Upon Employee Resignation or Termination

I. Purpose

To provide actions to be taken upon resignation or termination of an employee of the Prince George’s County Public School System

II. Information

The normal administrative processing of personnel and pay adjustment actions requires at least five working days or more according to circumstances. These procedures should be followed in every case of employee resignation, termination, or other separation due to the employee failing to report for work for three days, without prior notice.

III. Definitions

The following definitions apply to these procedures:

  1. Resignation: Completion of Oracle Self-Service resignation process by an employee to the school system, principals or department heads notifying of an intention to quit work on a specified day.
  2. Termination: Action by school system administration to separate an employee from school system employment on a specified day. This definition includes terminations for unannounced failure to report for work in three consecutive days.

IV. PROCEDURES: The following procedures will be used by school system administrators

  1. Event Requiring Initiation of Procedures:
    1. The employee completes resignation process using Oracle SelfService. If the employee is unable to complete the resignation process using Oracle Self-Service, then a written resignation notification will suffice.
    2. The employee is absent, otherwise unannounced, for three consecutive days from place of work.
  2. Principal or Department Head: Immediately notify by email the appropriate Human Resources Partner and the Payroll Office of the following:
    1. Name of employee and employee identification number;
    2. School or office name;
    3. Reason for termination or resignation;
    4. Hours/days worked during current pay period; and
    5. Leave taken during current pay period.
  3. Human Resources Office: Human Resources personnel must notify the Payroll Department by Personnel Action Sheet or email alert (in case of voluntary resignation thru Oracle Self Service) that resignation or termination data has been approved and processed.
  4. Payroll Department:
    1. From email notification of data in section “B”, adjust employee final paycheck if possible.
    2. If time of notification is such that final paycheck cannot be adjusted before delivery to employee, staff will attempt to notify the employee based on contact information in Oracle and:
      1. Complete ACH return request or check stop payment request to pull back employee paycheck.
      2. Void check.
      3. Complete Earned Versus Pay calculation to find over or underpayment of wages; checks for extended option funds due to employee; and checks for and calculates leave payout due to employee per the union negotiated agreement (current versions of negotiated agreements are available at:
      4. Prepare new, updated paycheck and forwards to employee concerned within two pay periods after pay period in which employee’s last day occurred, or within two pay periods of pay period in which payroll received notification of the employee’s separation from PGCPS.

V. Monitoring and Compliance

  1. Human Resources will maintain and approve resignation from employees. After approval, Human Resources will complete the Personnel Action Sheet to submit to Payroll Office for processing.
  2. Payroll will process any payments due to employees upon resignation from PGCPS. If the employee owes PGCPS, Payroll will coordinate with Cash Management to recoup any monies from the employee.

VI. Related Policies and Procedures

VII. Maintenance and Update of these Procedures

These procedures originate with the Office of the Chief Finance Officer and will be updated as needed.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This procedure cancels and supersedes the version dated November 8, 1976.

IX. Effective Date

Last Revised: July 8, 2019


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