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Administrative Procedure 2505 - Facilities Planning for Students with Disabilities

I. Purpose

To establish procedures to address accessibility, adequate space, and facilities for students with disabilities.

II. Policy

Each Prince George’s County Public School must allocate sufficient and appropriate space for the provision of special education and related services. Special Education students must be educated in the least restrictive environment appropriate to ensure access to a Free Appropriate Public Education. (Board Policy 2505)

III. Definitions

The following definitions apply to the content of this Administrative Procedure:

  1. Accessibility of Facilities: The facility is in compliance with the scoping and technical requirements for accessibility to buildings and facilities by students with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
  2. Boundary Advisory Committee: A committee appointed by the Chief Executive Officer to review updated school enrollment projections and capacity utilization and finalize boundary proposals, which will be presented to the Chief Executive Officer for his/her review.
  3. Capital Improvement Program (CIP): The aggregate of those projects for the acquisition, construction, additions, and renovations of the school system facilities, including land, buildings, or equipment.
  4. CIP Advisory Committee: An advisory group for the purpose of reviewing the Capital Improvement Program and making recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer.
  5. Separate Public Day School/Regional Special Education Program: These school settings provide intensive special education and related services to students with IEPs in a public separate day school that does not house programs for students without disabilities. Access to non-disabled peers to promote inclusive opportunities may be implemented in these settings as appropriate.
  6. Special Education Self-Contained Classroom: A cluster of special education classes located within a designated comprehensive school, such as Pre-School Early Childhood, Regional, Autism, etc. A designated separate classroom assigned for the delivery of special education services, when determined by the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team.

IV. Procedures

The following procedures will be followed for assigning Regional Special Education Programs/Early Childhood Special Education Programs, and Self-Contained classes to specific schools:

  1. An annual review of the need for Special Education programs and accessibility of facilities will be completed by the Department of Special Education through the Long Range Planning process in collaboration with the Division of Supporting Services, the Division of School Leadership and Support and the Boundary Advisory Committee. This annual review includes various factors such as student enrollment, staffing plan guidelines and programmatic needs of students.

    The annual review shall include input from special education administrative and school-based staff. The results of this review will be reported to the CIP Advisory Committee and Boundary Advisory Committee.
  2. The CIP Advisory Committee Subcommittee will examine the results of the review and will include any recommendations, as deemed appropriate, within the proposed Capital Improvement Program that is submitted to the Chief Executive Officer by May 15 of each year.
  3. The CIP Advisory Committee and Boundary Advisory Committee, in collaboration with the Department of Special Education’s Long-Range Facilities Planning team will follow the identified process outlined in this Administrative Procedure when it is necessary to move existing Regional, Early Childhood Center Classes, Autism Classes, etc. from a school. The collaboration between the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Department of Special Education, Division of School Leadership and Support, Division of Supporting Services, and Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries office will occur.
  4. This process will include prompt parental notification of the impending move. When possible, parents should be notified of the location change prior to June 1. To the extent possible, programs shall be re-assigned to an alternative site within the same Administrative Region.

V. Monitoring and Compliance

  • The Associate Superintendent of the Department of Special Education shall ensure the implementation of Long-Range Facilities Planning meetings to monitor class size, enrollment growth and programming needs to ensure the implementation of this administrative procedure.
  • An annual review report will be provided to the CIP Advisory Committee and Boundary Advisory Committee.

VI. Related Procedures

VII. Legal References

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. § 12101)

VIII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates with the Department of Special Education and the Department of Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries and will be updated as necessary.

IX. Cancellations and Supersedures

The Administrative Procedure 2505 cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 2505, dated July 1, 2013.

X. Effective Date

May 24, 2021

About This Procedure

Last Revised: May 24, 2021


Related Policies and Procedures

  • Administrative Procedure 2570, Closing of School Buildings; 
  • Administrative Procedures 8391, Boundary Changes

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