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Administrative Procedure 2570 - Closing of School Buildings

I. Purpose

To set forth the procedures used by the Chief Executive Officer to determine if a school building is to be closed.

II. Policy

The Board of Education is committed to making the most economical and practical use of its physical resources in the implementation of its educational programs (Board Policy 2570).

III. Information

It is the goal of Prince George’s County Public Schools to provide quality education, equality of opportunity, and stability of school assignment for all children of Prince George’s County. These procedures shall ensure, at a minimum that consideration is given to the impact of any proposed school closing, in relation to the following factors:

  1. Student enrollment trends;
  2. Age or condition of school buildings;
  3. Transportation;
  4. Education programs;
  5. Racial composition of student body;
  6. Financial considerations;
  7. Student relocation; and
  8. Impact on community in geographic attendance area for school proposed to be closed, or schools, to which students will be relocating.

IV. Procedures

  1. The Chief Executive Officer shall have the authority to consolidate schools.
  2. Recommendations may also be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer from groups such as, but not limited to citizens’ groups, local school PTAs, County Council of PTAs, County Government, and Board of Education Members.
  3. Upon determination of the Chief Executive Officer to consider such recommendations, there shall be informational meetings as a part of or in addition to a public hearing to permit citizen input.
  4. There shall be advertising, in at least two newspapers having general circulation in the geographic attendance area for the affected school or schools to be closed and for schools to be used for the relocation of students, at least two weeks in advance of public hearings. Time limits on the submission of oral or written testimony and data shall be defined in the notice of the hearing.
  5. The final decision of the Chief Executive Officer shall be in writing and announced at a public meeting. The decision shall include the rationale for the school closing, and address the impact of the closing on the relevant factors set forth above.
  6. Notification of the decision of the Chief Executive Officer, including the right to appeal to the State Board of Education as set forth in the COMAR, shall be given to the community or communities in the geographic attendance area(s) of both the school to be closed and the school(s) to which students will be relocated.
  7. The decision to close a school shall be announced at least 90 days prior to the scheduled closing – but not later than April 30 of any school year, except in the case of the need for an emergency school closing, pursuant to the provisions of COMAR.

V. Legal Authority

Maryland Code, Education Article section 4-120. COMAR 13A.02.09.01.

VI. Related Procedures


VII. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

The Office of the Chief Executive Officer is responsible for review and update as needed.

VIII. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administration Procedure 2570, dated October 1, 2016.

IX. Effective Date

July 26, 2017

About This Procedure

Last Revised: July 26, 2017


Related Policies and Procedures

  • None.

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