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Administrative Procedure 1332 - FSDirect Facilities Scheduling Program

I. Purpose

To provide guidelines for internal user groups to request approval of use of Prince George’s County Public Schools’ facilities for educational, recreational and community interests.

II. Definitions

  1. FSDirect: An online program that houses the school system’s systemic calendar of all scheduled events occurring in a school.
  2. Internal School Use: The use of school facilities for authorized educational purposes under the direct control and management of the school system, including extracurricular activities as defined in Administrative Procedure 1330 After School Use of Facilities. Other entities may participate in school use activities as approved at the sole discretion of the Chief Executive Officer or his/her designee.

    However, other entities may not, for the purpose of circumventing this procedure, use the approval of participation in a school use activity for the purpose of conducting an activity not under the direct control and management of the school system.

  3. Large Activity-An activity or event that is expected to attract more than 100 people, that requires additional personnel support, or requires use of specialized equipment irrespective of the number of people expected.
  4. School Facilities- Buildings and grounds, parking lots, playing fields and fixed equipment under the control of the school system.
  5. Small Activity-An activity or event that is expected to attract less than 100 people and does not require additional personnel support or use of specialized equipment.

III. Procedures

  1. All requests for use of facilities by internal Prince George’s County Public Schools staff will be conducted online through the School Dude FSDirect Facilities Scheduling program. This would include clubs, athletics, Captial Improvement Office, Summer School Office, Department of Building Services, meetings, etc.
    1. The principal is responsible for seeing that all requirements are followed, and that maximum security and safety are maintained during the use period.
    2. The principal of the school where the activity will be held has administrative authority to schedule the use of school facilities for school purposes.
    3. All school principals will identify staff that will be responsible for the processing and approval of facility use for their location.
      1. The Site Administrator 2 is reserved for the Principal and a designee responsible to approve and activate (activate is the final decision) an event. There is a maximum of two Site Administrator 2’s per location including the Principal.
      2. The Site Administrator 1 is reserved for staff responsible for the process of the facility use request before final approval/activation of the Site Administrator 2.
    4. All school principals will identify their Building Supervisor as the Service Provider for their location. Service Providers are custodial staff who may have to provide set up or breakdown tasks before, during and after events.
    5. Site Administrators will enter all after hours’ events for their location.
    6. Site Administrators will monitor School Dude FSDirect for their location and process any facility use requests in a timely manner. All requests must be responded to within 72 hours.
    7. Site Administrator 2’s approve and activate events that are internal school functions only.
    8. Reservations for use of facilities are confirmed only after the application has been approved by the principal.
    9. Applications for small activities must be submitted to the principal or principal’s designee at least two weeks prior to the date(s) for which use is requested. Applications for large activities must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the date(s) for which use is requested. Exceptions may be granted by the Chief Executive Officer or designee where circumstances warrant and preparations can be made without undue burden on staff.
    10. Site Administrators only approve events related to external/community organizations. Once approved by Site Administrators, Facility Use/Plant Operations Office will then activate the event.

IV. Related Procedures

Administrative Procedure 1330, After School Use of Facilities

V. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

This Administrative Procedure originates from the Office of Chief of Supporting Services and will be updated as necessary

VI. Cancellations and Supersedures

None, this is a new Administrative Procedure.

VII. Effective Date

July 1, 2017

About This Procedure

Updated July 1, 2017


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