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Administrative Procedure 1330 - After School Use of Facilities

I. Purpose

To provide the procedures for after school use of facilities.

II. Policy

Community groups shall be permitted to use school facilities for worthwhile purposes when such uses will not interfere with the program of the school. The use of school facilities shall be available to community groups on application in the prescribed manner and shall be subject to school law. (Board Policy 1330)

III. Procedures

  1. General
    1.  The principal shall be responsible for making every reasonable effort to see that the building is available for use by non-school organizations.
    2. Any group or organization using school property shall conform to the requirements of insurance as set forth in Section E of this Administrative Procedure.
  2. Priority Schedule - The ultimate use of facilities must be sought at all times in accordance with the following order of priority.
    1. First priority - Any curricular or extracurricular program of the educational system.
    2. Second priority - Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) or Parent-Teacher-Student Associations (PTSA).
    3. Third priority - Any public park and recreation program sponsored by the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC), its affiliated Recreation Councils, the Prince George's County Boys and Girls Clubs, and the Municipal Recreation Departments of any municipality within the jurisdictional limits of Prince George's County.
    4. Fourth priority - Other youth groups, such as Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, 4-H Clubs, YMCA, YWCA, and Recreation Councils not affiliated with the MNCPPC.
    5. Fifth priority - All other users such as volunteer agencies, improvement associations, private groups, and the like.
  3. Classification of Groups Authorized to Use Facilities
    1. The following may use the buildings and grounds free of rental charges, providing the user charges no admission fees. (Exceptions: (1) fees will be charged for lighted exterior facilities and for weekend and holiday custodial services under Fee Schedule 1; (2) when fees are charged or the activity is a fundraising event, Fee Schedule 2 applies.)
      1. Any public school activity is permitted and is exempt from custodial fees except when admission fees are charged.
      2. All regularly scheduled meetings of PTAs and PTA Councils.
      3. Branch or local meetings of any state, national or international professional education and all Prince George's County Public Schools' employee organizations.
      4. A function deemed to be an educational one by the principal and the appropriate Instructional Director.
      5. Prince George's County government and departments.
      6. Recreation Councils of the Department of Parks and Recreation of the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
      7. Recreation Councils of any municipality of Prince George's County.
      8. Youth groups, such as: Prince George's County Boys and Girls Clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls, 4-H Clubs, YMCA, and YWCA.
      9. Majorette groups affiliated with the Capital Area Majorette Association.
      10. Senior Citizens Programs.
      11. Programs for handicapped citizens.
      12. Civic associations, farm groups, and veteran groups.
      13. A partisan political organization as stated in the provisions of the Maryland Annotated Code, Education Article, Section 7-108.
    2. The following groups will be charged a rental fee, and fees are payable at least quarter-annually in advance in accordance with Fee Schedule 2.
      1. Religious organizations.
      2. Adult groups not covered in III.C.1. above.
      3. Social and fraternal organizations which, pursuant to both their charter and practice, in the policy of admission, do not discriminate in their membership on account of any person's race, religion or national origin.
      4. Colleges and universities.
      5. Private schools which, pursuant to both their charter and practice, in their policy of admission, do not discriminate in their membership on account of any person's race, religion or national origin.
      6. Square dancing groups not affiliated with the MNCPPC.
      7. Those groups listed under III.C.1. who charge admission fees.
    3. Profit-making organizations may seek the use of certain public school facilities. The purpose of such use is for the offering of recitals or performances by music studios, dance studios, modeling schools and the like provided that a rental fee is paid in accordance with Fee Schedule 3.
  4. Limitations for Use
    1. If written application is made to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Board of Education of Prince George's County shall provide for the use of a public school facility for:
      1. The presentation and discussion of public questions.
      2. Public speaking.
      3. Lectures.
      4. Other civic, educational, social or recreational purposes, or church affiliated civic purposes.
        These meetings shall be open to the public.
    2. The Board of Education of Prince George's County may refuse the use of any school facility for these purposes if it appears that the use is likely to:
      1. Provoke or add to a public riot or breach of the peace.
      2. Create a clear and present danger to the peace and welfare of the County or State.
    3. Insofar as possible, dances should be held in the multipurpose room. However, school gyms may be used for dances by the following groups:
      1. Public school groups.
      2. Organized recreation departments and parent-teacher associations, which groups shall assume financial responsibility for any damages resulting from the dance.
    4. The use of alcoholic beverages in school buildings or on school grounds is strictly prohibited.
    5. Gambling (such as bingo or other games of chance, raffles, and lotteries) is prohibited in school facilities or on school grounds.
    6. There shall be no smoking in school property at any time.
    7. All use of buildings and/or grounds is restricted to the area as described on the application form. The size of any group using a facility may not exceed the posted capacity limits.
    8. Heat and air-conditioning (where available) will be provided for the approved facility use within the limits prescribed by the most current CEO's bulletin governing energy conservation.
    9. All persons shall vacate the building when the fire alarm sounds. No one is exempt from fire department regulations.
    10. All use of schools by outside groups shall be automatically canceled when schools must be closed due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions.
    11. Continued use of a school building by any group is contingent upon the group's vigilant good faith to protect the school property and to ensure complete safety, the observance of no smoking regulations in public school buildings, and the reimbursement of its expenses to the Board of Education.

      If a principal feels that the building is being misused by any group, it is the duty of the principal to point out the misuse to the group so that, through the cooperation of the group, the misuses may be stopped. If continued misuses occur, the principal may stop the activity. This shall be reported to the Chief of Supporting Services, who shall (in cooperation with the appropriate department head--if educational matters are involved) investigate the complaint and determine whether the group should be prohibited from any further use of county schools.
    12. School buildings shall not be used for funerals, parties and celebrations that are essentially private in nature-this exclusion includes birthday, anniversary and other similar events.
  5. Application for Use
    1. Permit applications shall be made out in triplicate, and shall include all information requested on the application forms.
    2. A public liability insurance policy, naming the Board of Education of Prince George's County as an additional party insured, for one (1) million dollars Combined Single Limit, Comprehensive General Liability, covering the period of time that the use is required, shall accompany each School Facility Use Application and Permit.
    3. If the organization is in good standing (no previous record of abuse to school facilities) and eligible, the application will be processed.
    4. Organizations wishing to use a school facility for brief periods (single meetings, etc.) make application as the need arises. A minimum of seven (7) days’ notice is required.
    5. Groups submitting applications which cover a long period of time should be specific in stating each date for which they are applying. Should any changes be made that alter the fees payable during these extended periods, a new permit is required. See Number 6 below for application date deadlines. The applicant must notify the school administration if: (a) the facility will not be used on any single date and (b) if the group's use of a facility will terminate prior to the expiration date of the permit. At the option of the principal, failure of a group to notify the school administration of a cancellation prior to 12:00 noon on the day of the scheduled use may constitute sufficient cause to cancel the permit. Repeated failure to notify school administration as indicated above can jeopardize the user's good standing and eligibility for future use of school facilities.
    6. Applications for use of indoor and outdoor school facilities shall not be acted upon prior to the below listed deadlines, and furthermore shall be acted upon within thirty (30) days following the below listed deadlines. All applications shall be acted upon consistent with this Administrative Procedure. Any applications not submitted prior to these deadlines will be acted upon on a space available basis.
      1. Indoor Facilities

        Deadline To Cover Dates
        April 15 July 1-August 31
        July 15 September 1-June 30
      2. Outdoor Facilities - The Parks and Recreation Department of the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission will schedule the use of designated outdoor athletic facilities for the spring and summer seasons. The school will continue to schedule use of outdoor facilities for fall and winter use. This scheduling shall not interfere with any regular activity of the school. All applications shall continue to be filed with the individual school and will be forwarded to the MNCPPC Permit Office.

        Deadline To Cover Dates
        February 15

        Spring and Summer outdoor use
        (March 15 through Labor Day)

        July 15 Fall and Winter outdoor use
    7. All estimated payments for rental of facilities shall be made in advance, at least quarter-annually, by check made payable to the Board of Education of Prince George's County. Such payments shall accompany the application and permit sent to the Department of Building Services. Any additional costs will be paid within ten (10) days after the specific activity is over. Additional costs billed separately would include food or supply purchases, additional rental fees, and labor costs.
    8. Copies of each permit issued shall be transmitted to the following:
      1. Principal's file and custodian in charge (white).
      2. Department of Building Services (yellow).
      3. Applicant (Pink).
  6. Principal's Responsibility
    1. The principal, being locally responsible for the building, shall also be the final local authority in scheduling the use of that building.
    2. All facility use applications approved by the principal shall be forwarded to the Department of Building Services for processing. Any facility use application which is disapproved by the principal will be sent to the Chief of Supporting Services for review.
    3. Any facility use application may be appealed to the Chief of Supporting Services for final resolution.
    4. No school equipment may be borrowed without the prior written consent of the principal. Full responsibility for such equipment shall be assumed by the borrower.
  7. Group or Agency's Responsibility
    1.  Each group or agency using the building must accept responsibility for supervision of all participants and the facility for which use is approved. The responsible adult or agent of the requesting organization must be designated on request.
      A bill will be sent to the user to cover the cost of repairs to the building and/or replacement of equipment.
      If the person, group, or organization does not pay for the damages to the property, the Board of Education may refuse any other application by that person, group or organization for the use of the property until the damage is repaired without expense to the Board of Education.
    2. An agency must arrange ahead of time, with the principal, if time-consuming jobs need to be done, such as setting up several hundred chairs, receiving and setting up scenery, stage equipment, etc.
    3. Tables, chairs and benches shall not be placed on the playing surface of tennis and multi-use courts by any group. Groups shall not bring heavy mechanical equipment on the grounds, except in driveways and parking areas. Portable booths and equipment shall be removed immediately after the activity.
    4. Groups shall not be allowed to dig holes or drive supporting stakes, but use only portable booths.
    5. Stakes are not to be driven into the hard surface area. Lines are not to be painted on tennis and multi-use courts or any other hard surface area.
    6. There shall be no temporary or permanent signs, banners, pennants, or the like placed in or on school buildings or school grounds by any group except those associated with activities sponsored by or for the school community or school PTA/PTSA and the two exceptions that follows:
      Activities carried on in the schools by the Board of Supervisors of Elections shall be free of this restriction. Other groups which use schools may place temporary identification signs on school grounds only during the actual hours the building is used. At the conclusion of the use of the school, the group must remove the signs.
    7. Grass cutting will be performed only by the school groundsmen or appropriate agency personnel by mutual agreement.
    8. An adult member or representative of the user group is responsible for inspecting the areas of use prior to the activity and notifying the custodial employee on duty if any damage is noted. At the conclusion of the activity, the custodian will inspect the area and complete a School Facility Use Inspection Report if any damage has occurred. The user group will be billed for the cost of any repairs.
  8. Custodial Service
    1. It is required that a custodian shall be on duty at all times when a school building is being used by outside organizations.
    2. Any necessary custodial services resulting from the use of schools by the following groups will be at no expense to the groups. The principal should contact the Department of so that the best method of handling the extra work may be arranged.
      1. Board of Education meetings and activities.
      2. School sponsored activities (if no admission is charged).
      3. Regularly scheduled meetings of PTAs and PTA Councils.
      4. Prince George's County government activities (other than those sponsored by the Municipal Recreation Department and MNCPPC).
    3. All other groups using school facilities will be charged a custodial fee based on current salary schedules, as follows:
      1. For any use of school facilities on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays.
      2. For any use of facilities on weekdays when a charge is made for admission or participation, or when more than ten (10) minutes of custodial services are required (to clean or move furniture or make inspections).
      3. All other use of facilities will be on a no-charge basis provided there is a custodian regularly scheduled during the activity and there is no increase in the custodial workload.
    4. The custodial fee will include the time necessary for preparation and restoration of the school facility both before and after the event. The principal and building supervisor will jointly determine the total time to be covered by the fee.
    5. Custodial fees must be collected in advance by check made payable to the local school. The school will then deposit this to their account and send the proper overtime fee by school check to the Department of Building Services, Upper Marlboro, along with the overtime report after the activity has taken place. Unless the overtime is an extension of the custodian's regular working hours, a minimum two (2) hours shall be paid.
    6. It shall be the duty of the custodian covering an activity to check the condition of the facility before and immediately after the activity. Any abnormality or misuse of the facility, damage or destruction of property, etc., shall be indicated on the School Facility Inspection Report form provided. This form must be signed both by the custodian and the person in charge of the activity. These forms are to be returned to the principal of the school.

      If damage should occur, three (3) copies of the Inspection Report should be completed and distributed as follows:
      1. One copy sent to the Department of Building Services.
      2. One copy retained at the school.
      3. One copy sent to the applicant/user group.
    7. Custodial services shall include only unlocking and locking the building, operation of light, heating the building, setting up chairs, normal cleaning, and providing required inspections. It is not the duty of the custodian to discipline or supervise groups or to maintain order or to remove litter or debris.
    8. If the custodian covering the activity is on a regular tour of duty while the activity is in session, the custodian will continue to perform regular duties with the exception of a maximum of ten (10) minutes necessary to render the services mentioned above. Should those services require more than ten (10) minutes, they should be completed on an overtime basis, after the custodian's regular tour of duty; with the user group being charged a custodial fee on a back-charge basis.
    9. If the custodian is covering the activity on an overtime basis (a custodial fee having been collected from the group using the facility), the custodian will be responsible for the following:
      1. Arrival at the school at least fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled activity.
      2. Checking boilers upon arrival (during heating season).
      3. Unlocking the necessary doors and turning on lights as needed.
      4. Having the furniture set up as required by the activity.
      5. Interacting in a courteous and cooperative manner.
      6. Rendering necessary custodial services to the paying group in addition to performing regularly assigned custodial duties. Working with the representative of the user group by reporting infractions of any rules. Calling the police if unauthorized person(s) refuse to leave.
      7. Locking all doors and windows after group has left. Cleaning the area. Turning off all lights and making necessary adjustments to heating and air-conditioning equipment.
  9. Use of Equipment by Outside Organizations
    1. Stage Equipment (excluding auditoriums)
      For rentals, only the following stage equipment shall be provided:
      1. A speaker's stand or table, chairs (not to exceed 20), regular stage lights (this does not include special stage lighting which requires use of complicated switchboards, use of gels, etc.), backdrop, and the front curtain
      2. Audiovisual equipment shall not be included.
      3. Custodian or school stage crew is not obligated to assist in changing scenery.
      4. Any alterations to electric service panels or electrical equipment is forbidden, unless arranged for with the Department of Building Services and paid for by the facility user.
    2. Multipurpose Rooms, Auditoriums and Gymnasiums
      Use of these facilities shall include only their normal complement of chairs. When no custodial fee is charged, a custodian will be required to remove the cafeteria tables if needed and to set up no more than 20 chairs. If additional chairs are set up, the number shall, in no case, exceed the posted maximum seating capacity.
    3. Pianos
      1. Pianos may be used by other than school personnel only upon written authorization of the principal.
      2. Pianos shall not be moved unless prior permission is granted, in writing, by the principal. This includes electric pianos.
      3. Heavy upright and grand pianos may be moved only by professional piano movers whose services shall be arranged and paid for by the renter. This shall include the return of the piano to its original location.
      4. It is not the responsibility of the school to tune the piano prior to use. Users desiring to have a piano tuned will do so at their own expense utilizing a piano tuner approved by the school system.
    4. Renting of School Equipment or Facility
      1. No equipment shall be rented to outside organizations.
      2. No concession for profit by an individual may be operated on school property nor shall an activity be allowed where profit accrues to the individual user.
      3. Notwithstanding any of the above, the Chief of Supporting Services may waive the strictures of this provision, 4.b, if it appears that the group seeking the use of school facilities intends to conduct an activity therein commonly known as a "flea market," "yard sale" or similar thereto and plans to rent space, as distinguished from school equipment, to one or more individuals who plan to sell goods and/or wares from such space for profit to themselves, provided such rental is incidental and supplemental to the overall activity for which said group has initially sought the use of school facilities pursuant to this policy and the space to be rented, per individual, is no larger than the size of a card table and its immediate environs or approximately 100 square feet.
    5. Use of Auditoriums
      1. In any use of the auditorium, the school shall maintain direct supervision for the safe and effective use of the facility. Much of the technical equipment is complex and sophisticated. Its improper use could result in its damage and/or pose a safety hazard to untrained persons attempting its use. Therefore, the operation and maintenance shall remain in the hands of school-based personnel who are knowledgeable and are trained in the use and operation of the technical equipment. For community use of the auditorium, paid technical assistance furnished by the school is mandatory. The number of personnel required will depend on the needs of the production, this being determined at the time of scheduling. Fee schedules have charges.
      2. Community use is restricted to times outside the school day. The facility should be vacated by 11:00 p.m. on weeknights and by 12:00 midnight on weekends.
      3. Stage lighting does not include gel, or any other expendable item, which must be furnished by the group making use of the auditorium.
      4. Where available, the use of the orchestra pit includes chairs and music stands, but not orchestra music stand lights.
      5. Where limited storage is available on a short-term basis for "in production" activities, the school is not responsible for theft, damage or loss of such items stored. All groups using scene shops, dressing rooms, orchestra warm-up rooms, etc. are expected to leave them free of trash and debris.
      6. Neither food nor beverages may be sold or consumed on the premises.
      7. The cat walks and fly loft are off limits to all without express permission of the auditorium technician.
      8. The rental of auditoriums does not include offices or use of school telephones.
      9. All groups must strictly adhere to fire regulations.
        (1) There is to be absolutely no smoking on school property.
        (2) The seating capacity must never be exceeded.
        (3) No sitting in the aisle or placement of objects that may obstruct egress.
        (4) Exterior fire lanes must be maintained.
  10. Use of Cafeteria and Kitchen
    1. Arrangements must be made with the principal and cafeteria manager. Upon request of the principal, an applicant will be furnished information on procedures, menus and fees for providing meals in the cafeteria. All expenses of food, labor, materials, and cleaning supplies will be calculated in the cost of the meal for service rendered.
    2. During the preparation of meals or parts thereof, a cafeteria manager or cafeteria assistant will be present during the use of the kitchen to ensure that safety standards are observed in the use of machinery, equipment or utensils, and that sanitary procedures are followed.
    3. Employees will receive pay through the Payroll Office. A separate check must accompany and be forwarded with the payroll register. A separate check will be deposited by the cafeteria manager to the cafeteria fund for the cost of any food and miscellaneous items used.
    4. Normally, cafeteria employees on duty are not expected to perform the preparation or general cleanup duties. The applicant is expected to provide adequate support in this regard.
    5. If damage or loss of items should occur, the applicant will be responsible to ensure replacement or reimbursement.
    6. By mutual agreement and arrangement with the principal and cafeteria manager, exceptions can be made for certain occasions.
  11. Police Supervision
    When determined by the Board of Education, Chief of Supporting Services, Area Assistant Associate Superintendent, Principal, or when the need is felt by the applicant, police supervision shall be obtained for the particular function or activity. Police supervision will be paid for and arranged for by the using organization. Approval of applications can be made contingent on securing adequate police presence.
  12. Exceptions
    Any exceptions or special requests not covered in the stated procedures shall be referred to the Office of the Superintendent for Chief of Supporting Services.

IV. Related Procedures

Administrative Procedure 5153, Guidelines for Live Performance Artist(s)/Disc Jockey(s).

V. Maintenance and Update of These Procedures

The Office of the Chief of Supporting Services will update these procedures as needed. Questions concerning these procedures should be referred to the Office of the Chief of Supporting Services, 301-952-6520.

VI. Cancellations and Supersedures

This Administrative Procedure cancels and supersedes Administrative Procedure 1330, dated October 1, 2015.

VII. Effective Date

July 1, 2016

About This Procedure

Updated July 1, 2016


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