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Health and Wellness in Food

Prince George's County Public Schools is committed to healthy schools and lifestyles, providing a total learning environment that enhances the development of lifelong habits in wellness, nutrition, and regular physical activity. (Board Policy 0116: Wellness, Nutrition, and Physical Activity) 

Administrative Procedure 0116 Wellness, Nutrition, and Physical Activity 

The Purpose of the Wellness Policy: 

  • Provide safe and healthy learning environments for all students
  • Implement procedures to ensure that students receive consistent information and education regarding proper nutrition, increased physical activity, and benefits of healthy lifestyle choices throughout the school, classroom, and cafeteria.  


For more information visit the Prince George's County Public Schools' Wellness Website.

Wellness is a way of life, and it is important that students build healthy eating and physical activity habits that will last a lifetime. A wide variety of foods in moderation coupled with moderate daily physical activity is the key to establishing optimum health. Research has shown that restricting food from children may actually increase obesity in later years. Fortunately, we have several resources to help us get, and stay, on track:   

 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program 

Students in elementary schools that qualify for the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) get a sample of fresh fruits and vegetables during the school day. The goal of the FFVP is to improve children’s overall diet and create healthier eating habits to impact their present and future health. The FFVP will help schools create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices; expanding the variety of fruits and vegetables that children experience; and increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption.

Fruit and Vegetable Information Sheets 

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