Maya Angelou French Immersion is a specialty program school requiring the PGCPS lottery application. View the Lottery Information and Applications for Specialty Programs and Public Charter Schools) for lottery program options.
Melwood Elementary School is a boundary school offering the PYP. Only students residing in the Melwood boundary have access to this program. There is no out-of-boundary transfer to attend the IB PYP or the IB MYP.

Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School is a boundary school offering the MYP. Only students residing in the Eisenhower boundary have access to this program.
Frederick Douglass High School is a boundary school offering the MYP for all students’ Grades 9-10. Only students residing in the Douglass boundary or those students attending James Madison Middle School as boundary students have access to the Douglass program.
Due to the IB MYP partnership of James Madison Middle School and Frederick Douglass High School, those eighth grade students not zoned for Frederick Douglass High School are allowed to complete an MYP Continuation Application in order to enroll as an MYP student at Douglass on out-of-boundary permission. PGCPS will provide transportation to the out-of-boundary Madison students as long as their address of record in ParentVUE falls within the James Madison Middle School boundary. If students attend Madison on special transfer or for other circumstances, transportation will not be provided to these students and they will need to apply for a special transfer to Douglass.
James Madison Middle School is a boundary school offering the MYP. Only students residing in the Madison boundary have access to this program. Madison is in partnership with Frederick Douglass High School.

Students in Grades 8 and 9 that reside within Prince George’s County may apply online for the IB DP via the PGCPS IB website, International Baccalaureate (IB) or the county’s specialty program website during the first quarter of the school year.
Applications are submitted digitally along with three teacher evaluations, grade reports, and an essay demonstrating one of the IB learner profile traits. Once the application is evaluated by the team of IB Coordinators, students will receive a letter in the mail indicating the decision. Transportation will be provided only to the students’ IB zoned high school upon acceptance into the program. Parents and students are not permitted to choose which IB program they would like to attend as transportation is based upon the documented address in ParentVUE.
The Diploma Program is offered at the following schools: Central, Frederick Douglass, Laurel, Parkdale and Suitland High Schools. View School Finder to determine if you live in the boundary of the boundary school programs or to identify the IB Boundary High School based on your address in ParentVUE.