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Talented and Gifted (TAG) Center


GRADES SERVED: 2-8 (TAG identified students)



Talented and Gifted Programs
​8437 Landover Road
Landover, MD 20785



TRANSPORTATION: Transportation is provided for students who receive placement via the lottery process.  Please check Schoolfinder to determine the TAG Center Boundary School.  Placement in the TAG Center Program by lottery is based on the student’s home address.


The TAG Center School Programs offer a full-day advanced, enriched, and intensive instructional program to meet the unique and specialized needs of highly able students. Specially selected and trained teachers provide the instruction. Students who meet PGCPS criteria for TAG identification may choose to apply through the lottery process on a space-available basis in accordance with lottery guidelines.  Placement in the TAG Center Program by lottery is based on the student’s address..

Program Features

  • Dedicated TAG classrooms led by trained teachers and supported by full-time program coordinators at each location
  • Enriched and accelerated instruction in Reading/English, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics, including opportunities for acceleration in mathematics for students meeting prerequisites and additional opportunities for developing research and problem-solving skills.
  • World language emphasis including International Culture and Language (ICAL) in the elementary schools and Spanish, Chinese, or Italian in middle schools (varies by school)
  • Twice Exceptional Services and Supports

Choose this program if your child...

  • meets PGCPS TAG identification guidelines to be eligible for placement.
  • needs a faster-paced instruction and a more challenging curriculum
  • would benefit from being grouped with Intellectual peers
  • Needs teachers trained in acceleration, enrichment and differentiation for gifted learners


Who can apply

  • Students who meet PGCPS criteria for TAG identification may choose to apply through the lottery process on a space-available basis in accordance with lottery guidelines.  
  • Placement in the TAG Center Program by lottery is based on the student’s address.
  • Private and homeschooled students must be screened and meet the PGCPS criteria PRIOR to the lottery deadline.

When to Apply

December 16, 2024 - March 14, 2025

How to Apply

Apply using our online application

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