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Attendance Policy

Students driven to school by a parent or Day Care may NOT be dropped off before 8:45 a.m.

Children at all levels of the Montessori Program are expected to attend school daily.  Absences are a severe hindrance to your child’s educational and emotional growth in the life of the classroom.  Arriving on time is also critically important.  The first 30 minutes of the school day is when vital communication is shared between and among students and teachers.  Students also use this time to organize their materials and complete their work plans, setting the tone for the entire school day.      

Your child must bring a signed note the day they return to school after an absence, documenting the absence as a lawful absence.  An absence is considered lawful only in the case of illness, doctor’s appointment, or the death of a family member.  

Students arriving at school after 9:15 a.m. need a late pass from the office to enter their classroom.  Tardiness is also considered lawful or unlawful. Lateness will be considered excused if a note explaining the lawful reason is documented.  

All students are expected to attend school for the entire length of the school day.  If students are requested for dismissal before 3:30 p.m., their early dismissal must be documented with a note explaining the lawful reason to be excused.  

Frequent unexcused absences, unexcused tardiness, or unexcused early dismissal could result in removal from the program.

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