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Attendance Works K-1

Attendance Works

Get ready for one of the biggest adventures of your child’s life!

School will be starting soon. These tips can help your children look forward to attending school every day.
Did you know that missing just one or two days of preschool or kindergarten every few weeks can make it harder for children to develop reading skills, and to be prepared for kindergarten or first grade?

Adventure Time!

Take your child to visit the school to see the building
• If possible, meet their teacher and visit their classroom!
• Visit with neighbors to see who is going to the same school. It’s always fun to have a buddy.
• Explore a pick-up and drop off sharing plan with neighbors, or a “Walking School Bus.”
• Respond right away to outreach from your child’s teacher. Ask any questions you have!

Story Time!

Tell your child positive stories from when you were a young student
• Make up silly songs about everyday routines: getting up, eating breakfast and going to school.
• Read to your child each night in your home language.
• Books can address children’s concerns in playful ways and support conversations.

Get ready for one of the biggest adventures of your child's life!

Habit Time!

Set a standard bed and wake up time a few weeks in advance
• Let children choose what clothes they’d like to wear the next day.
• Routines make everyone feel in control, and that’s a good feeling.

Good Health Time!

Make sure your child has the right shots to attend school
• Ask your child’s teacher about health and safety procedures.
• Ask questions about any concerns you have related to Covid-19.
• Schedule non-Covid-19 medical appointments and extended trips when school is not in session.

Preschool through first grade establishes the foundation for relationship building and life-long learning. Help your child gain comfort, self-confidence and delight in these milestone events.

Visit Attendance Works for strategies and resources

Click here for the Attendance Works K-1  Get Ready Flyer

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