Expectations for Optimal Learning
I want my child to achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to:
- See that my child is punctual and strives for 100% attendance, and contact the school if my child is absent.
- Support the school in its efforts to maintain proper discipline. Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook
- Ensure my child wears their uniform daily.
- Establish a time and place for homework and check the work nightly.
- Talk with my child about his/her school activities every day.
- Attend conferences, look at school work, and monitor my child’s progress through SchoolMax Family Portal.
- Limit my child’s TV/Computer time and help select worthwhile programs.
- Adhere to all expectations listed in the Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers, and Visitors.
It is important that students achieve. Therefore, I shall strive to:
- Provide homework assignments for students a minimum of Monday through Thursday.
- Encourage students and parents by providing information about student progress and the instructional program monthly.
- Provide motivating authentic learning experiences in my classroom.
- Explain my behavioral and academic expectations, instructional goals, and grading system to students and parents.
- Provide students and parents with graded papers and update grades in SchoolMax on a weekly basis
- Provide written feedback to students to improve their academic performance.
It is important that I work to the best of my ability; Therefore, I shall strive to:
- Work to achieve 100% attendance.
- Wear my uniform daily or follow the Prince George’s County Public Schools Dress Code.
- Come to school each day with pens, pencils, paper, a charged PGCPS technological device, and other necessary tools for learning.
- Work as hard as I can on my school assignments and complete all independent activities.
- Follow the Student Rights and Responsibility Handbook.
It is important that all students achieve. Therefore I shall strive to:
- Create a welcoming, safe, and orderly environment for students and parents.
- Communicate to students and parents the school’s mission and goals.
- Reinforce the partnership between parents, students, and staff.
- Act as the instructional leader by supporting teachers in their classrooms.
- Provide appropriate staff development and training for teachers and parents.
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Flintstone Elementary School Student Handbook Parent Acknowledgement page:
Student Name _____________________________________________________ Teacher ___________________ Grade________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:___________________________________
* My signature is an acknowledgement that I have read this entire handbook and I am aware of the policies and procedures outlined in its content.