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Health Suite

Nurse hand drawn medical instruments

Contact Information

Heather Vance, RN, B.S.N.
Professional School Nurse

District Heights Elementary School

The Health Suite is eager to cooperate with you, as parents, to be sure that your child is healthy and ready to learn.

Medical Considerations 

Health information obtained is provided to appropriate staff on a “need to know basis”.  Please keep the health office informed of changes in your child’s health, allergies, limitations, injuries etc.

Physical Examinations

Physical examinations are required for children entering the Maryland public school system for the first time. The examination must be completed in the nine-month period before entering the public school system or in the six-month period after entering the school system. Links to the Health Inventory Form and Blood Lead Testing Certificate can be located at the bottom of this page or in the health room.


The medical care of the individual student is, of course, considered the primary responsibility of the parents, therefore, specific regulations limit the school’s treatment of students who are ill or injured at school.  

  1. Only first aid is administered to the injured student.  In case of cuts and abrasions, the injury is cleaned and covered, if necessary.  No other treatment for wounds is allowed.  
  2. No medications may be given at any time unless it is prescribed by a  physician and a plan has been established with the nurse.  This includes aspirin and cough drops. Prescribed and non-prescribed medication must be kept in the school’s health room with a completed Physician’s Medication Form.  (These forms are available in the school health office or click here to download the forms.).  It is important that the classroom teacher and the school office be notified if your child has an allergic reaction to insect bites, bee stings, spiders, etc.
  3. In case of illness or accident, parents will be notified as soon as possible.  The parent may pick up the student or make arrangements for the student to go home. Parents will be notified by the school, if the student is too ill to remain in school.  Students who are ill prior to the school day should not be sent to school.  Primary symptoms of many serious communicable diseases include sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomitting and fever. Children with these symptoms should not be sent to school.

In case of either injury or illness the school must be able to reach the parents of the affected students; it is very important that the school have current telephone numbers.  Exceptions need Board Attorney Agreement.

Illness at school

If a child is involved in an accident or becomes ill at school, he/she should report it to the teacher who will then send him/her to the health room.  The school will contact the parents.  Sick students are not allowed to leave school without parent or adult supervision.  The school must have an emergency number for each student, and it should be noted on the school’s Emergency Information Form.  The form is kept in the school office.  When a student is absent, a note from the parent is necessary upon the student’s return to school.

Screening Mandates

Height and weight for students in grades Pre-K – 3rd are measured annually.  Vision & Hearing screenings are provided in the year that a student enters the school system and all students in the First Grade. Parents will be notified of all vision screening results and hearing screening failures.

Immunizations and Flu Vaccination

 If your child receives any new immunizations during the year, please send an updated immunization record from your physician so we can update your child’s records. Learn more about immunizations.

 You can obtain immunizations at the following places:

  • Primary Physician
  • Prince George’s County Health Dept.  (301) 583-3300   
  • Pharmacies
  • Local Clinics

Emergency Contact Forms

Emergency contact forms are crucial in case of unexpected illness or injury while at school. Please complete and update as needed.

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