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Students' Personal Possessions

Approved Use of Portable Electronic Devices (PED) in Schools: 

  1. Students are permitted to use PEDs while riding to and from school on PGCPS buses, as long as it does not impact the safe operation of the school bus. Students may not use PEDs while getting on or off the school bus. 
  2. Students are encouraged to use PEDs for instructional purposes, with school administrator approval. 
  3. At times when PED use is not permitted, PEDs must be turned off or on silent mode and stored in a back-pack, book bag, pocket, purse, locker, vehicle, etc. 
  4. The school principal or designee may allow additional times for students to use PEDs at school, such as during lunch period, in approved designated areas, or during the following times:
  1. a) Before or after the school day on school property;
  2. b) During after school, evening or weekend extracurricular activities while on school property;
  3. c) While attending a school sponsored or school related activities on or off school property; or 
  4. d) In an emergency situation with the permission of the teacher, instructor, counselor, coach, school security, program director, or

 Prohibited Use of PEDs in Schools: 

  1. The use of PEDs at any time other than those specified in Section IV above. 
  2. The use of PEDs in  bathrooms. 
  3. “Sexting” or the viewing, taking and/or transmission of nude or sexually explicit photos or videos in school. 
  4. The unauthorized or unlawful sharing or electronic posting of images or recordings taken or stored on PEDs during school hours and/or on school property. 
  5. The recording, photographing and/or transmittal of material that is protected by copyright law and which is not permitted to otherwise be duplicated or reproduced. 
  6. Taking, uploading or sharing photos, recording audio, or capturing video during the school day in a manner that reflects bullying, harassment, intimidation or cyber bullying. 
  7. Using PEDs in any manner that reflects violations in the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. 

 If you allow your child to bring a cell phone to school, you do so at your own risk.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones.