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Uniform Requirements

Deerfield Uniform Royal Blue Top Khaki Bottom.jpgGirls

  • Khaki pants, jumper, Bermuda shorts, skirts, or skorts. No sweatpants.
  • Royal blue, long or short sleeves with collar. (Shirts not required to be tucked in.) White, long sleeved shirt may be worn under short sleeve during cold season.
  • Plain black or brown belt, no embellishments. Required for grades 1— 5.
  • Solid black or white socks or white tights.
  • Fully enclosed rubber soled shoes, leather or tennis shoe.


  • Khali pants or Bermuda shorts. No sweatpants.
  • Royal blue, long or short sleeves with collar. (Shirts not required to be tucked in.) White, long sleeved shirt may be worn under short sleeve during cold season.
  •  Plain black or brown belt, no embellishments. Required for grades 1— 5.
  • Solid black or white socks.
  • Fully enclosed rubber soled shoes, leather or tennis shoe.

Uniform Requirements

  • Jewelry —Any jewelry worn should be small and age appropriate. Any student wearing large, cumbersome, dangly jewelry or accessories will be asked to remove said items.
  • Coats and Jackets — Students will not be permitted to wear coats or jackets during the school day except in the case of a heating emergency.
  • Footwear — Rain or snow boots may be worn to school, however, students will be required to change into regular shoes or tennis shoes on P.E. scheduled days.
  • Head: No hats or any headdress can be worn except for recognized religious or health reasons. Uniform Violations
  • For the FIRST violation of this policy, the student's teacher completes the uniform violation form to be sent home to the parents as an "official" notification. Parents are to sign and return to school the following school day.
  • For the SECOND violation of this policy, the student's teacher completes the 2nd unifottn violation forza and sends the student to the office. The Administration will call the parent to bring the child a change of clothing in order for the child to return to the classroom. Parent will receive a copy of the form as official notification of the 2nd violation.
  • For the THIRD violation of this policy, the student's teacher completes the 3rd uniform violation form and sends the student to the office. The Administration will call parent and send home the 3rd referral form. Parents will be called to bring the child a change of clothing in order for the child to return to the classroom. At this time, the administration will conduct a parent/student conference to reiterate the parameters of the policy, as well as, consequences for future violations.
  • For the FOURTH violation of this policy, the student will receive a 4th and final i nifotm violation fonn; parents will be contacted by the Principal and be required to bring a change of clothing. At this time the student will receive a PS-74, which will be placed in their cumulative folder for failure to adhere to the uniform policy.
  • In the event of repeated failure to comply with the mandatory unifoi n policy, student may be placed on suspension.