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Pre-Kindergarten Accreditation

Dear Chillum Families,

PGCPS has been using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) as an observational instrument to assess classroom quality in our pre-kindergarten classrooms. Effective teacher-student interactions are a primary component of high-quality early educational experiences. Below you will find our fall evaluation “glows” and “grows.” We look forward to sharing our growth after our spring evaluation.


  • Positive Climate - Teachers and students demonstrated positive affect and shared respectful
    language with students using positive communication.
  • Teacher Sensitivity - Teachers demonstrated awareness of students and provided individual
    support in response to student needs.
  • Behavior Management - Students responded to the teacher’s redirection. There was evidence
    that routines and procedures were being taught.
    Regard for Student Perspectives - The students had freedom of movement and placement
    during center activities.
  • Instructional Learning Formats - The teacher facilitated student engagement and learning.
    Teachers remained effectively involved in instructional activities.
  • Productivity - Teachers were prepared for activities and lessons. Teachers provided students
    with activities and used strategies to manage disruptions.


Concept Development - Teachers will focus on relating concepts to the students' real lives
during lessons. Teachers will also focus on implementing strategies that will encourage
students' analysis and reasoning during lessons. Brainstorming ideas, planning to outline steps
for future projects and activities, and making comparisons will also be a focus.
Quality Feedback - Teachers will continue to focus on providing encouragement and affirmation
during daily activities and provide additional information during discussions to support a deeper
understanding of content. By doing so, teachers will encourage students to express their
thinking and rationale. Teachers will also continue to focus on engaging in feedback loops with
students. Feedback loops support back and forth exchanges and allow students the opportunity
to express their thinking during conversations. Teachers will also continue to practice providing
clarification or expansion during conversation.
Language Modeling - Teachers will continue to focus on using advanced language and relating
higher level vocabulary to words they know. Teachers will continue to develop open-ended
questioning and language development techniques by intentionally planning open-ended
questions that will encourage children to express their ideas. Mapping language through
self-and parallel talk will become more consistent. When mapping language, teachers state the
actions that they and the students are taking.
Positive Climate - Teachers will continue to practice strategies that encourage cooperation and
sharing and positive peer interactions while showing enthusiasm and positivity during the day.
Teacher Sensitivity - Teachers will continue to implement strategies and routines that support
social-emotional learning and responsive problem solving.

Chillum PreK Parent Survey Results

Chillum ES Self-Appraisal

Chillum Program Improvement Plan (PIP)