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Welcome Letter

Dear Carrollton Families, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We expect this year to be a success as we continue our efforts from last school year to ensure that each Carrollton Elementary School student receives everything they need to achieve academic success. While we faced some staffing challenges last year, we were able to adapt and implement innovative solutions to ensure that all students received the support needed. We are pleased to have exceeded our ELD growth/proficiency target by 6% and even thrilled to see significant growth in our 2nd-grade students. They have increased their math benchmark scores by 25.4 points, while our 4th-grade students’ reading benchmark scores increased by 10.3 points.

CES also saw achievements in our ability to offer support services to families with resources such as the Family Academy workshops/training that instructed families on various topical subjects. We held instructional nights to engage families with interactive activities similar to those used daily by our students. Our resource teachers collaborated to provide families with knowledge, specialized in English Language Development (ELD), reading, and math strategies to support our special education and multilingual learners at home. Because we saw gains last year, despite staffing challenges, we have decided to continue our efforts to create an engaging, interactive, and inclusive learning school environment for all CES staff, students, and families. The theme of Reaching All Students Every Step of The Way is aligned with the CES vision to provide students and families with equitable access to resources and opportunities. The after-school programs we will offer this school year entail the likes of Mentoring Through Athletics and Mainstream Tutoring etc., which will equip our students with innovation and critical thinking skills, empowering them to become problem solvers and effective communicators. You will have an opportunity to meet members of the after-school programs at Back-to-School Night scheduled for August 22, 2024, from 5 PM until 7 PM.

In our effort to build effective partnerships, we will offer opportunities for you to volunteer this year; all we ask is for you to attend parent meetings and instructional nights and donate your time and resources when needed. We learned last year that Carrollton ES will close in the school year 26-27, but we are here now. Let’s work together to give our school community an enriched environment we can all be proud of.

A lot of planning and preparation goes into starting a new school year; as is the Carrollton way, it took the collaborative efforts of many people to ensure our readiness to receive staff and students in the Fall. I am truly grateful to Mr. Clark and the CES custodial team for their efforts since June to prepare the building for the return of staff and students. Ms. Isaacs and Ms. Cooper has worked in the office all Summer to support families while helping implement the school-year plans. Ms. Wimbush and I are incredibly honored to serve the Carrollton Community another year, and we look forward to achieving more to make the gaps in students’ knowledge smaller! 

School Mission

Carrollton Elementary School provides an equitable, caring, and engaging learning environment where students feel valued and empowered to develop into culturally responsive learners and to excel in college, career, and civic life.

School Vision

Carrollton Elementary School is a vibrant and inclusive educational community where we hold ourselves accountable for fostering a love of learning and promoting literacy for all. 

Our vision is to equip educators and students with innovative and critical thinking skills, empowering them as problem solvers and effective communicators. 

By providing educators, students, and families with equitable access to educational resources and opportunities, we strive to bridge the achievement gap and prepare every student for future success in academia, the 21st-century workplace, entrepreneurship, and in their local and global communities.

As a school community, we work hard to fulfill Carrollton’s vision daily.  

Carrollton’s School Theme for 2024-2025:

Reaching All Students Every Step Of The Way as One Band with One Sound

Student Attendance: Consistent school attendance is crucial for us to support every student and help them reach their full potential. Regular attendance is vital for a student's continuous growth and development. We understand that many students depend on their families to get to school on time. To maximize your child’s learning opportunities, please ensure they are in their classrooms by 7:30 a.m. each day. Late arrivals disrupt the learning environment when teachers need to pause instruction to accommodate and record attendance for late students.

Below are some tips to help ensure success:

  • Consider using an affordable before and after-school service. The Champions Before and Aftercare program is available at Carrollton Elementary this year. For more information, contact the Director, Tracy Martin, at
  • Identify a trusted family of another CES student with whom your child can walk to school.
  • If your child has access to a bus route, please take advantage of that service.
  • Lastly, leaving home a few minutes earlier can help ensure your child arrives at school on time. 

ParentVUE (Synergy) Bus Info: Details for the 2024-2025 school year will be available starting Friday, August 16, 2024. Please note that Friday, August 9, 2024, was the final date for registrars to update Synergy registrations for bus assignments for the first day of school on August 26, 2024. The next transportation updates will be effective starting August 29, 2024, with updates occurring twice per week on Mondays and Thursdays, excluding holidays.

School Supply List: We are excited to provide school supplies, including backpacks, for all of our students. To view the items on the teachers’ wish lists that we’re asking parents to donate to the classrooms, please click here

Back to School Night will occur on Thursday, August 22, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

For families unable to attend Back to School Night, each teacher will provide a personalized introduction video on Class Dojo. If you haven’t signed up for Carrollton’s Class Dojo yet, please use the link below to do so as soon as possible.

Pre-K Orientation will be on Friday, August 23, 2024, from 8:00 am to 8:45 am. 

Kindergarten Orientation will be on Friday, August 23, 2024, from 9:00 am to 9:45 am. You and your child will have the opportunity to visit your child’s classroom and see their desk area.

For families unable to attend Back to School Night, each teacher will provide a personalized introduction video on Class Dojo. If you haven’t signed up for Carrollton’s Class Dojo yet, please use the link below to do so as soon as possible.

Class Dojo Link

School Meals: The Department of Food & Nutrition Services is excited to announce the expansion of Prince George’s County Public Schools' participation in the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Program for the 2024-2025 school year. A total of 124 schools have been selected to participate, allowing the district to provide nutritious meals at no cost to approximately 82,000 students.

This year, students will receive free breakfast and lunch daily, with no need to pay for meals. Here are a few important points to note:

  • Meals will be free for all students.
  • No meal benefit application is required for students enrolled in a CEP school.
  • Snacks and beverages will be available for purchase à la carte.

School Uniform: Carrollton Elementary School is a designated Mandatory Uniform School, as approved by the Prince George’s County School Board of Education. All students are required to wear uniforms. Research indicates that schools with uniform policies experience significantly fewer discipline issues and student referrals. The mandatory uniform policy will be in effect from the first day of school. Please click here to view Carrollton’s School Uniform Policy.  

Immunizations: To help you ensure your child is up-to-date on required immunizations, Prince George's County Public Schools is offering immunization clinics for students. Schedule an appointment for routine vaccinations today! Maryland requires all kindergarteners to receive a second dose of the chickenpox vaccine. Click the link below for details on immunization clinics in Cheverly, MD, and Laurel, MD. Immunization Information

School Hours: Our school hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 1:40 p.m. Doors open at 7:20 a.m. for students to have breakfast. Students must be in their classrooms by 7:30 AM to avoid being marked tardy.

Please ensure your child arrives at school and is picked up on time daily. The staff is not responsible for students beyond dismissal.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures: On the first day of school, all students will meet their teachers in designated areas around the side of the school. Teachers will be holding signs with their names and grades. Students will line up and walk to their classrooms with their teachers in an orderly line. Staff will be stationed outside to help you find your child’s teacher. PreK and Kindergarten families will be allowed to walk with the teacher and students to the classrooms on the first day only. 

Please plan ahead and check ParenVUE to identify the name of your child’s teacher.

Prek Students

Starting on the second day of school, families of PreK students will drop off and pick up their children at the teachers' exterior classroom doors located at the back of the school. Please do not attempt to enter the classrooms, as all visitors must be vetted by the front office staff.

Kindergarten Students

Teachers will continue to meet their students outside for the first week of school. After that, students will enter through the front door to get breakfast and report to class. Families of kindergarten students will drop off and pick up their children at the front door of one of the three designated kindergarten exterior doors. If you are dropping your child off, please have them ready to exit your vehicle when you stop your car so that they may exit quickly to keep cars moving in the traffic circle. Talk with your children prior to the start of school to prepare them for the handoff to the school. Please do not get out of your cars between 7:15 am and 7:30 am. Staff will be available to assist during these times.

Parents of grades 1 through 5 students who choose to drive their children to school will follow the wave-and-ride system in our traffic circle. Please do not get out of your cars between 7:15 am and 7:30 am. All students in these grades will enter through the front door, either going to the cafeteria for breakfast or directly to their classrooms. Staff will be stationed throughout the building to help students find their way.

For safety reasons, families will not be allowed inside the building unless there is an emergency. Our primary focus is the safety of our staff and students.

We understand that waiting in the traffic circle during arrival and dismissal can be stressful, but we ask for your patience to help ensure a peaceful and positive start to the day for everyone. Due to limited parking on-site, we encourage you to walk your child to school whenever possible. If you must drive, please keep the following in mind:

  • Only Pre-K and Kindergarten parents may briefly park in the side lot to drop off and pick up their children, space permitting. Parking passes will be provided for parents to place in their vehicles.
  • Families of students in grades 1-5 should drive ALL THE WAY around the circle to drop students off. Please do not get out of your cars between 7:20 am and 7:30 am.

All families are expected to adhere to the PGCPS Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers & Visitors when interacting with staff and students on school property. The Code of Conduct is available below in English, Spanish, and French.

Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers, and Visitors

Código de conducta para familias, voluntarios y visitantes

Code de conduite pour les familles, bénévoles et visiteurs

Here are some tips to avoid traffic lines in the morning and afternoon.

  • Find an affordable Before and After-School program: Many programs start at 7:00 a.m. For details, see the information above about the Champions Before & After Program.
  • Walk with your child or let them walk with another family: Walking to and from school supports a healthy lifestyle for our children.
  • Start your morning earlier: This can help you avoid traffic and reduce the need to rush.

Important First Quarter Dates to Remember:  

  • August 22nd - Back to School Night - 5:00 pm 7:00 pm
  • August 23rd - Orientation Day for PreK - 8:00 am - 8:45 am
  • August 23rd - Orientation Day for Kindergarten - 9:00 am - 9:45 am
  • August 26th - First Day of School for Students
  • August 26th -  Principal Chat in the cafeteria at 7:45 am
  • September 5th - Labor Day Holiday- Schools and Offices Are Closed
  • September 6th - Grandparents Day Celebration 
  • September  15th - Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration Begins
  • September 27th - Teacher Planning Half-Day – 3-Hr. Early Dismissal for Students
  • October 1- 31 - National Bullying Prevention Month
  • October 3rd  - Rosh Hashanah* (starts at sunset 10/2)
  • October 7th - Parent-Teacher Conferences 
  • October 12th - Yom Kippur* (starts at sunset 10/11) 
  • October 14th - Indigenous Peoples Day
  • October 18th - Professional Development – Schools Closed for Students
  • October 20th - Professional Development  - Schools Closed for Students 
  • October 31 - End of First Quarter (45 days)
  • October 31 - Diwali begins

Click on the QUICK LINKS: 

If you have a specific need, please consult the First Responder document below to find the appropriate person who can assist you. We ask that you allow 24-48 hours for a response to non-emergency requests. For emergencies, please call the school directly.

 Carrollton’s First Responder Document for Families

Families, it is crucial that you click the link below to provide the school with important information about each of your children attending Carrollton Elementary School.

Carrollton Elementary School Student Information Form

We look forward to partnering with you and your child this school year to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment that fosters student achievement for all students. Together, we achieve more. 


Teresa Bey, Ed.D.

Teresa Bey, Ed.D.