The Prince George’s County Public Schools Program for the intellectually gifted is designed to meet the following objectives:
To provide regularly scheduled opportunities for students to meet with their intellectual peers;
To provide a learning environment in which instructional strategies appropriate to the unique learning characteristics of the intellectually gifted are utilized;
To provide opportunities for individuals and/or small groups to utilize advanced research/study skills in designing and conducting independent investigations on topics of student interest (passion projects);
To acquire advanced competencies in:
To develop an understanding of the purposes and processes of self and group evaluation;
The TAG Pull-out Program in Prince George’s County Public Schools at the elementary level is designed for TAG identified students to meet together for a minimum of two hours per week from October – June each year, 30 – 32 weeks of instruction. Students will be released from regular classes during this time. Separate groups will be maintained for primary (grades 2 and 3) and intermediate (grades 4 and 5) students.
TAG Pull-out services start October of each school year.
All four TAG Pull-out curriculum units are aligned to MSDE College and Career Readiness Standards, NAGC Standards, and SEL Standards. The curriculum units are interdisciplinary units that incorporate reading, writing, art, and STEM lessons. The literature and resources selected for these units are culturally diverse. Gifted education evidence based best practices strategies such as pre-assessment, ability grouping, student choice, accelerated concepts, conceptual understanding, higher order thinking tasks, development of original product, affective needs, independent learning opportunities, and self and peer-evaluations are included in the TAG Pull-out Curriculum Units. All TAG Pull-out units include these evidence-based gifted curriculum models: Taba’s Conceptual Understanding, Kaplan’s Depth and Complexity, William’s Taxonomy for Creative Thinking, and Bloom’s Taxonomy for Higher Order Thinking.
A curriculum plan has been developed to use over a two-year period for primary TAG students and a two year period for intermediate students. This will assure that students will not repeat any of the content and that the sequence of skills followed its developmental.
Each TAG curriculum is comprised of a core focus unit, a research focus unit, and a literacy focus unit, all of which are interdisciplinary.
The curriculum materials that follow include a wide variety of topics and activities. These provide flexibility in the design of a year’s program that will meet the specific needs of each school.
Each section of the curriculum contains many activities and lessons. The level of skill development, the maturity and interests of students would be considered in the selection of specific tasks. As often as possible, students should be permitted freedom of choice in selecting specific tasks to complete.
SY 2024-2025 TAG Curriculum - Creative Capers
SY 2024 - 2025 - Perseverance