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Stepping into the role of Superintendent is an honor and responsibility that shall be demonstrated in the trusting and collaborative relationships that will be developed with the Board of Education and Prince George’s County Public Schools community at large. This must include working and partnering with organizations of all types to uplift and expand the work of the second-largest and most diverse district in the state of Maryland to ensure all students have access to an equitable and high quality education. We will work together to ensure that our students have the opportunity to establish their careers and continue their family and community legacy of excellence. To maximize impact, we will demonstrate the need to engage all community voices to establish a shared conversation around the following outcomes:

Outcome #1

Engage all students and stakeholders around the public education experience. This means identifying where they are, what is needed and creating shared goals to provide necessary support to ensure optimal academic achievement.

Outcome #2

Ensure safe and orderly school openings. As we embark on a new school year, we will expand tools, measures and practices to promote safer school environments where students can focus on learning, developing and excelling.

Outcome #3

Deliver an action plan that will be guided by the Transformation 2026 strategic plan, outlining a path to equity and education for all students. The community-informed strategic plan provides a roadmap to deliver an exceptional educational experience where all students, families and employees play a pivotal part in academic achievement.

We will seek feedback from all stakeholders to ensure that our path forward continues to be guided by the community to establish shared goals and vision for the future. I will hold myself accountable to ensuring that our district is providing the necessary supports and processes to lead with equity in allocation of resources, social, mental and emotional supports for students and academic excellence in all schools.